Monday, October 19, 2015

Tales of the Ouija-- Part 11

Via by Stephen Wagner

Readers tell of their frightening true experiences with the Ouija board

You've heard the warnings and you're heard the debate: The Ouija board - is it a game that excites the emotions and fears of its users... or can it truly open portals to worlds and entities that are best left closed? No matter your stance on the Ouija question, the stories people tell about their experiences with them are fascinating... and sometimes terrifying. Consider these tales from other readers just like you who dabbled with the infamous talking board.


It all started when my friend and I made our own Ouija board - and it worked! I was always curious about using one as I did not think it would work.

That night my two friends and I were asleep, but I was awakened by the feeling of something brush against my feet. I burst into tears straight away as it terrified me. The next night I slept at my own house and my boyfriend was asleep next door. Half asleep, I heard my bedroom door open and the sound of something running up the stairs into my bedroom. It felt like someone was standing in the center of my room staring at me.

There was a kind of black mass in the air, which is quite hard to explain. I called my boyfriend repeatedly and banged on the wall several times to wake him up, but he didn't. From that moment, I do not remember what happened to me, but my boyfriend tells me he found me lying on his bedroom floor crying. Then he says that the muscles in my body were having a spasm of some sort, like I was having a fit.

After around five minutes of this, it all stopped and I was normal, not remembering what had happened. I told my parents, but they said I was being silly. I changed rooms after that day, and it felt like a weight had been lifted.

A few nights later, however, I heard knocking at my door, like someone trying to get in. It also touched my cheek when I was lying down.

When I went into my previous room the other day to collect some of my clothes, my lamp was thrown at me from the desk. I was so scared that I ran out straight away. Whatever this is, it is driving me crazy as I am only 16 and I am not getting any sleep. Do I have a ghost? And why is it trying to hurt me? - Natalie W.


In 1977, I was 12 years old. My best friend Jamie and I were continually messing around with my Ouija board. We were mostly interested in contacting any spirits that happened to be around. After a few months of playing with the board, weird things started happening in my house. We usually played the board at my house because no one was there right after school.

One day after school, we went to my house as usual.

Jamie and I were talking and walking through the living room. From there, we could hear a loud, continuous whooshing sound coming from the upstairs. Knowing we were in the house alone, we quietly crept up the stairs to see what that sound was. It was the water running full blast in the bathroom sink. We shut off the faucet and wondered to each other about the weirdness of that. My father was always the last one to leave the house in the morning and he would never, ever leave the water going full blast like that. We tried to shrug it off and went back downstairs.

As we got to the foot of the stairs, we heard it again. That same noise! The water had come back on and was again running full blast in the bathroom sink. We ran upstairs, shut it off, ran downstairs, out the back door, and went to Jamie's house until my parents came home.

Not long after that, we were again playing with the Ouija board. I don't remember any of the communication with it. It's what happened afterward that haunts me to this day.

Jamie and I were sitting side by side on the floor with our backs on the wall. We had set the Ouija board aside and were chatting for a few minutes. I had asked a question and was waiting for Jamie to respond. Nothing. I looked over at her and she was staring straight ahead, not blinking, just staring. I called her name and leaned over to look at her, when she suddenly jerked her head my direction. Her blue eyes were wide open, but the pupils had virtually disappeared. I stared at this person, this sudden stranger who looked like my best friend. Those eyes were not Jamie's; that was not my best friend staring at me six inches from my face.

"Jamie?" I asked, not really sure what else to say. "Are you all right? Jamie, what's wrong?" A hundred things went through my mind all at the same time. Was this an emergency? Some sort of tumor? A seizure? I didn't know whether to try to touch her or get up and run.

Then Jamie opened her mouth, and in the deepest, loudest, full adult male voice said, "Stop doing what you're doing!" I'm like, what? Stop doing what? Stop talking? Stop moving? Stop doing the Ouija? Stop what? And again that voice boomed out, "STOP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING!" And again I'm like, stop doing the Ouija? Is that it? The Ouija board?

Jamie jerked her head to the forward facing position again, and casually, in her real voice, answered my question in the conversation that had been interrupted. She did not know anything weird had happened and was truly freaked out when I told her.

The event scared us so much that we both swore off the Ouija board and decided to throw it away. Not knowing any better or even thinking there was a better way to dispose of the board, we wrapped it in a big green garbage bag, took it out to my garbage can, removed the other bags that were already in the can, threw the Ouija board bag in the bottom of the can, threw the other garbage back on top, and slammed the lid closed on the whole thing. We felt good knowing that the garbage would be collected early the next morning.

About a month after that, Jamie and I were again at my house by ourselves. We decided to go up into the attic to explore some of the old boxes that were stashed up there. As we got to the top of the stairs, there was a bookshelf on the right-hand side. On top of the bookshelf was my Ouija board! I know it was mine because Jamie and I had doodled all over the cover. We stared at the board and slowly backed down the stairs. We slammed the attic door and ran outside. That board stayed in our attic, untouched, for years.

Then one day, when I was getting ready to leave home to join the Air Force, I went to get the board to burn it or find some way to get rid of it, but it wasn't there. It's never been seen again. Neither Jamie nor I have ever done the Ouija board again. We truly believe that warning was for real. - Stacy G.


About 15 years ago, around the time I was a freshman in high school, my best friend Grace lived in a very old house that had been abandoned long before I was even born. Her parents moved in the year we became freshman and did a lot of work to fix it up.

Even though the house was now a home, it was still very drafty and rather eerie. The rooms all had much-too-high ceilings and the windows still had that old-fashioned glass that made everything blurry when you tried to see out or in.

One night, Grace invited me over for the weekend. The first night I stayed, Grace gave me a mischievous look and asked if I had ever used a Ouija board. I shook my head no and she pulled out the board and explained how to use the planchette and everything. She said there was an elderly woman who haunted the house (her older brother had apparently seen the woman's ghost on the stairs), and that we should begin asking her questions. I was hesitant and afraid, so I let Grace do most of the talking.

She asked questions like, "Is there anyone here who wishes to communicate with us? How old were you when you died? Are you in the room we are in?" only to get no response whatsoever. Our fingers didn't even twitch on the planchette. Grace tried a few more times until we became bored and decided to just go to bed.

Grace secured her door with a key and set it on her night stand, and we bedded down for the night. In the middle of the night, I awoke to a noise. I blinked several times, trying to shake myself awake and figure out exactly where I was.

When I realized I was at Grace's, I turned over and tried to go back to sleep.

That's when I saw it: Her door was wide open, and in the middle of the hallway was a little black kitten. I lay there a few minutes, unsure of what to do, then decided to go get it. (It would be nice to have a little warm kitten in bed with us.) But when I got out into the hall, the kitten was gone. The hallway was very big and rather intimidating, especially in the darkness. I crept down toward the stairwell and stopped at the top landing.

There at the bottom of the stairs was a crumpled-up form that looked like the body of a person. Then it slowly disintegrated away. I know what I saw! I wasn't imagining things. I quickly turned and ran back to Grace's room and jumped in her bed. She awoke at once and asked what was wrong. When I told her what I saw, she asked how the door got open; the key was still on the night stand. She also insisted that they never have owned a cat.

The next morning, we inspected the lock on the door. It indeed had been unlocked somehow, but how that happened remains a mystery. Grace thinks I did it, but as I said, I didn't. And I know I saw the kitten and crumpled up body at the bottom of the stairs! Other weird things have happened in that house, and her brother continued to see the ghost woman, but they moved once Grace was out of high school. The old house is still there, but the new owners haven't been keeping up with it. It still looks just as run-down as it did before Grace's family moved in. - Chelly


I have had three experiences with the paranormal through Ouija boards. I live in Fairbanks, Alaska. I received my Ouija board around Halloween, 2008. I did not really use it much until recently. The first time I had contact with a spirit was on October 30, 2009 at a Halloween party with my friends.

We were at my friend Madison's house, and she asked if we could use the Ouija board because she believes she saw a spirit once when she was three years old, then never again.

The year after that, when her little brother George turned three, she remembers seeing the same spirit in the same place.

We started by asking "warm up" questions such as, "What color am I thinking of," etc. It would always get the answers right. Next we asked if it knew Madison. The spirit pointed to YES. We asked if it knew George, and it said YES again.

Madison asked what its name was. It spelled out SAM. Madison believed that the ghost she had seen was a boy because it had short hair, so we asked it if it was a boy and it said NO. We were talking to a little girl named Sam. She was six years old, she told us. Madison said that when she saw Sam, she was wearing old-fashioned clothing, so I thought that I had an idea about her short hair. I suggested that maybe she had worked in a sweatshop, and was forced to cut her hair short because of the danger of having long hair caught in the machinery. When we asked her about this, she did not reply.

Sam revealed to us that she was not angry or evil; she enjoyed living with Madison.

We did not talk to her after that because she said GOODBYE.

My next experience with a spirit was about a week after Halloween, 2009. I was with my friends Alyssa and Stephanie, at Alyssa's house. I brought over my Ouija board, not knowing of her mother's extreme fear of them. When I was dropped off, her mom was not home, nor was her dad. My friends were home alone, so I ran up to Alyssa's room to show her what I had brought. Stephanie was up for it, but Alyssa was scared.

Once Steph and I talked Alyssa into it, we gathered around the board and planchette. Right away we contacted someone by the name of Will. We asked Will many questions about himself, and we wrote everything down. He was 7 years old. We asked him if he liked Alyssa, and he said NO. When asked why he answered, SHE SWEARS. He liked Stephanie because he said she was pretty.

We finally asked him if he liked Jamie (me) and he said NO. He then spelled out HE'S FORCEFUL. We asked him if he meant "She's forceful" and it said NO. He clearly meant that there was a male Jamie who was forceful whom he did not like. We asked if he liked the Jamie in the room and he said YES. We asked who the other Jamie was, and he said GOODBYE.

The three of us turned our attention to a movie, then after the movie was over, we attempted to talk to Will again. He spelled out a lot of jibberish, and we wrote it down. He told us we had to decode it. Essentially what we got out of it was: "I don't like you. You're mean. You keep writing." He clearly did not want us to write down what he was saying. He then told us that we got him in trouble with Jamie. We tried to ask him about Jamie multiple times throughout the night, and he never told us. We still know nothing about who Jamie is.

My last spiritual experience was last week with Alyssa again. I was very curious because I knew that my great-grandma (whose name was Dorothy) had passed away in the bedroom across the hall from me. My dad has said that he has seen her, and I believe that I have seen her, too. We got hold of a spirit and asked it what its name was. It responded with DEAR. We asked it once more (though I do not know why) and it said DI. We asked if that was a nickname and it said YES. I asked if we were talking to Dorothy and she said YES. I told her that it was me, Jamie. I was almost crying. I was happy to finally be talking to her again. I asked if I had recently seen her and she said YES. After awhile she would answer questions by either spelling out NO or PQ. We kept asking what PQ was and it would say PQ. We finally said, "What does PQ stand for?" and she spelled "PR QTS".

We figured out that she had meant "Personal question" and that she did not want to answer personal questions. She then said GOODBYE. - Jamie L.


In the summer of 1996 I was about 14 years of age. It was me, a girlfriend, and a friend from the apartments where I was. That third friend had received a Ouija board from another friend and brought it to us outside.

"Oh no," I told her, "I don't believe in those." I attend church every Sabbath, for I am a Seventh Day Adventist. But being a teenager, I decided to try it, just once.

It wasn't real, we thought. We all put our hands on the board to see what would happen. All of a sudden, the wooden planchette began moving.

"Wait a minute," I said, "Stop moving this thing." I looked at my closest homegirl and she said, "I swear, that's not me!" The third friend asked, "What's your name?" It started sliding across letters and stopped on them, spelling a name. To this day I can't remember the name, but I finally asked a question, still in disbelief that one of the girls wasn't moving it. I asked, At what age will I have a baby? It pointed to the numbers 1 and 5. Age 15!

Still in disbelief, my closest friend asked the board to spell her dead grandparents' names. Believe me when I say it did. She then jumped up to her feet, in shock, tears rolling down her cheeks. It had really spelled out their names.

I then asked it a personal question about my relative and, sure enough, it revealed it to me. I then jumped up shaking. I asked the third person to leave and to take that thing away; we no longer wanted to play.

Tears roll down my face every time I tell anyone this.

Believe it or not, I got pregnant at 15 years of age.

Don't attempt the Ouija board. They are not fake. It took me to witness this to be able to talk about it. I am now 26 and will never again make a mistake like that one again. God is good. - Nene


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