Monday, October 19, 2015

Tales of the Ouija- Part 10

Via by Stephen Wagner

Out of the store-bought box, it's just a cookie-sheet-sized of fiberboard with a pasted-on design of letters, numbers and symbols, and a heart-shaped piece of plastic. When users of the Ouija touch their fingers to it and begin asking questions, however, almost anything can happen. Or so they say. Whether you believe the Ouija can tap into the supernatural or merely our subconscious, there's no denying that stories of people's experiences with it are fascinating.

You'll find tales of the Ouija here that are intriguing, scary, puzzling, surprisingly positive, perhaps one that is rather doubtful, and a visit from an old "friend."


This took place probably around September, 2007 in Austin, Texas.

Some of my closest friends and I have always been interested in the paranormal. My best friend's mom, who had died several years earlier, owned a Ouija board. We always wanted to get our hands on it, but my friend's dad had forbade her to go near it. Being the 15 and 16 year olds that we were, we got a hold of it and snuck it to our other friend's house. There were four of us. We made up a list of questions, some of them involving communications with my friend's deceased mom. We figured since it used to be her board, we'd get good results.

As we were about to start, one of my friends decided she didn't want to be a part of it, so she turned on her TV and zoned out. That left three of us to do it; two sat on one side and one on the other. The first question we asked was: "Is this the best way to communicate with you?" The result was just a few jumbled letters, but later when we were done and went back and looked at what we had written down, it said TVOFF as in "turn the TV off," which makes sense because for best communication there aren't supposed to be any electronics involved.

We asked if my friend's mom was with us. It pulled straight to YES and she instantly started crying. I thought that maybe my friend on the opposite side could be pulling it, until the pointer did a 360 turn under our finger tips! It completely rotated under all our fingers, and that's what absolutely did it for me. I was always somewhat a believer, but this justified everything. To this day I have the board hidden away in my closet; my friend's dad never discovered it missing, and she lives in a different state now. I have mixed feelings about ever trying to use it again. - Ashley Z.

Comment: This story illustrates why some people get so freaked out over the Ouija board, in this case for almost nothing. Nothing supernatural occurred, but Ashley's friend received an answer to an emotionally charged question - an answer she was either hoping for or dreading. Was it really her mother answering? Probably not, but this is why you shouldn't ask questions whose answers you're not prepared to handle, and why emotionally distraught or excitable people shouldn't be using the Ouija at all.


This happened to me a year ago. My boyfriend and I were watching something about ghosts on TV and he mentioned the Ouija board. I told him I played it when I was little, and he told me he never played it but was interested. We decided to go to Target and buy one that glows in the dark.

We headed back and turned off all the lights in my room and lit a few candles. We contacted a little boy who was eight years old from the 1700s. He had an odd name because he was from a different country. I asked, "Why are you here?" He kept spelling out MOM really fast, over and over. I asked, "What do you mean 'mom'?" And he spelled: YOU. I asked, "I'm your mom?" and he spelled: PAST LIFE YOU WERE MY MOM. This scared me so much. And he kept telling us how he didn't like my boyfriend and that his dad is someone three years older that I will meet soon. My boyfriend just laughed.

I've had dreams about me in old clothes and this little boy in which he kept saying, "Mommy, I'll meet you soon." I had the same dream for a month until I met my recent boyfriend. Then the dreams changed to the little boy saying that I was on the right path to meet him and that I'm "with daddy now." My boyfriend, Matt, decided to play the Ouija board after I told him about this. We contacted the little boy. He said that he is with us now and that Matt and I are soulmates; he knew we would meet again so he could come back. We asked, "What do you mean you're with us?" He answered: YOU'RE PREGNANT. I got mad because I thought a demon or something was just messing with us and I said goodbye.

A few weeks later I find out I am pregnant - and I was terrified. I thought the demon would possess my child. A few months later when Kyle arrived, he was blue eyed with blonde hair, just like the Ouija child said he was. Sometimes I'm happy I'm with my family I was supposed to have. But sometimes I wonder... if there is something wrong with Kyle, like possession. - Monika S.

Comment: In my opinion, this story shows what can really be "evil" about the use of the Ouija board - that some people take it so seriously. If Ouija responses - which I am convinced come from our own subconscious and not from the spirit world - can make a mother doubt the innocence, beauty and innate goodness of her own child, THAT is evil. And the evil lies not in the board, but in the power attributed to it by ignorance.


This past summer (2009), my cousin and I spent almost every day together. We grew bored of our everyday routine and decided that we needed something adventurous to do. I had always been interested in playing the Ouija board. We planned how to get the Ouija home without our parents noticing. (Our parents had always warned us not to play due to the incidents they had encountered with it.)

It grew dark and we decided it would be a good time to play. My house is haunted, so we figured it would attract what we thought we wanted. We turned off the lights touched our fingers lightly to the planchette. At first we asked simple questions: "Do you know what my dad's name is?" It moved calmly over the letters, gliding almost. When it was done spelling the full name of my dad, we looked up at each other and smiled. At first we were excited that it actually gave us true answers, but after a few questions we started to shake.

The room grew cold and my ceiling fan began to sway back and forth, the chains clanking against the light bulbs. You know the feeling like somebody's watching you? I turned, unsure of what I would see. A faint shadow stood in a corner of my room, as if it was watching us. We were scared, but we couldn't move. It could've been the shadow of anything because we were just paranoid. I stared stiffly, unable to turn away. He came near me, no feet, no eyes. He was wearing all black, the upside-down cross on the front of his cloak.

Human hands but a pig's head. I wanted to scream, but it was as if he took my voice. I wanted to run but it was as if he took my abilities to do anything. Before he could reach me - BAM! My sister walked in and turned on the light to our frightened faces. He was gone.

After this experience, we were so much more than scared, we were terrified. I slept with the light on for days. We said we would never touch that thing again. A few weeks later, the Ouija was all we could talk about. We decided to play it again, and to this day it's as if we need to play it. We're just a pair of curious adolescents trying to live as on-the-edge as possible, and nobody can tell us not to - not even the demons. - The Limit

Comment: The author was telling an interesting story until she veered off into B-horror-movie territory. A pig's head? Really? It's possible that she imagined seeing this apparition in a heightened emotional state that a Ouija session can sometimes create, but my sense is that this is a tall tale.


We were snowed in over Christmas. My children, ages 24, 20, 17, and some friends began talking about a Ouija board that my sisters and I played with 32 years ago. We then decided to make a homemade one out of a vinyl table cloth. We used the lid of a blender for the moving piece. Five of us put our index and middle finger on it lightly and began asking questions. It took a long time before it moved. It didn't move until we asked to speak with my brother Gene, who was killed a year previous in a car accident. We had to watch out the window because my husband does not like this and would have been very upset had he found out we were doing this. He was blowing snow outside!

After about 30 minutes, the curser spelled out HAVE TO GO. We asked why and it spelled out IT IS TIME. The curser never moved again. We folded up the table cloth and were all sitting around the table talking when we heard something break in my bedroom. We all got up to look for what had happened. We found that a drinking glass with water in it on my bedstand just broke! There was glass everywhere, but the glass was still in a standing position. We all had eerie feelings after that and were left with no explanations of what had happened to the glass. I don't believe it was my brother we were talking to that night. I might use an Ouija again, but most surely not at my house. - Teresa S.

Comment: Occasionally, poltergeist-type activity is reported in conjunction with Ouija sessions. Unless the breaking glass was just a coincidence (but what caused it to break?), its shattering might have been a telekinetic psychic effect.


Around 40 years ago, some friends who strongly believed in the supernatural suggested that both my wife and I should try out the Ouija board. Being open minded, we decided to give it a try. After asking the board some usual questions such as, "What is your name?", "Will we have more children?", etc., our friends retired for the night.

My wife and I decided to ask some more unusual questions. I asked the board if it could tell us the winner for the weekend horse races. The board strongly went to EM, then the numbers 8 and 5. As this was a Tuesday, we had to wait until the Friday edition of the papers to see if anything matched. Sure enough, Race 8, No. 5 was a horse named Even Mine. I realized being that accurate was extremely unlikely, so I invested half my week's salary on the horse based on Ouija numbers which duly won at 5/1!

Consequently, I designed a Ouija-type board tailored to predicting horse racing, which I still do to this day. Most times the board will give us clues that don't match anything - completely mindless rubbish - but occasionally it will throw out a matching combination that will carry my wager to the winning post.

My personal theory is that all time - the past, present and future - are all contained in the immutable "now" and that we are merely using the board as a crutch to tune into our own ESP. We never use the board to predict our own future as we know for a fact that most information that comes from the board is wrong. Perhaps it is this wrong information that has aided the Ouija board to gain its "evil" reputation. This story may appear far-fetched, but once it has worked for you in real life, it transforms from fantasy into fact. - Lollyman

Comment: Here is one of those instances of a completely positive or beneficial outcome of the Ouija. I have had such an experience. I rarely play the state lottery and even more rarely use a Ouija board, but on one occasion I asked the Ouija for lottery numbers, with which I won about $40. Not a fortune, to be sure, but it's the most I've ever won playing the lottery.

And finally, what Tales of the Ouija would be complete without a Zozo story. (See The Zozo Phenomenon.) How we account for his routine appearance I'm not sure. In many cases, I think it's because people have heard of Zozo encounters, then - lo and behold - he shows up. Power of suggestion. In some cases, however, such as the one below, the experiencer claims no prior knowledge of Zozo.


This incident took place in February, 2010. It was a casual mid-winter night in the oh-so-lovely mountains of Tijeras, New Mexico. My best friend Hannah and I were making music videos and watching girly movies, doing each other's hair - you know, the whole sleepover thing. Hannah had mentioned before that she wanted to try a Ouija board, but I told her that I had no intention of even touching the thing. I'm Russian Orthodox, and people of my religion don't believe in the use of the Great and All-Mighty Ouija.

Instead, we dug out an old poster board and Hannah threw together a crappy little Ouija-type layout and an even crappier pointer. We lit some candles, turned out the lights, and Hannah began to "use" the Ouija board by herself. I didn't believe her for one second. She kept asking questions, and eventually we a message from an eight-year-old boy named Tyler, who died in 1859. I was very skeptical, to say the least. Finally, my curiosity got the best of me and I tried the board. I asked a stupid question, something like "Is anyone else out there?" To my surprise (and slight horror), my hand began moving up the board toward the sun symbol.

I whipped my hand off the board and stared at Hannah in surprise. It worked, it really worked! And just like that, I became addicted. We continued to talk to Tyler, but whenever I tried to talk to him, I would only get one-letter answers and then it would move off toward the sun. We soon figured out that the spirits I was talking to were, in fact, my family! I recently had two aunts pass on: Marla and Amy. That night, I talked to them both. I'm not sure if it was really them, but it gave me the answers that I wanted, and I automatically felt so much better about their deaths.

Hannah and I tried to talk to Tyler again, but when she touched the pointer and asked for him, her hand flew back and her eyes filled with tears. "I don't know why, but when it started to move I just had to cry," Hannah said. She said that it felt like a wall of emotion had just slammed into her face.

The next morning, we tried our best to stay away from the board, but eventually we were drawn back to it. This time, Hannah couldn't communicate with Tyler. She had some sort of bond with him that I couldn't figure out. He reminded her of a little boy that had appeared in her dreams many times. So I once again tried the board, and this time I communicated with a spirit in full sentences. His name was Roa. He was nine years old when he died in the year of 1859. He told me that he and Tyler were slaves when they died, which intrigued me.

Arriving at my house, I just couldn't stay away from the board. I made one out of a cardboard box and began using it. I asked if any spirits were out there and the pointer slid to YES. I asked what its name was and it spelled out Roa. But our chat was soon interrupted by a spirit that had more of a pull on my arm than Roa did. He tried to count down and I stopped the pointer right as it landed on zero. I quickly flicked the pointer through a candle flame and asked if the countdown had worked. He said NO. Relieved, I attempted to find out more about this spirit. His name was Smith and he was 18. He openly admitted that he was evil, and he replied YES when I asked if he would hurt me. Smith died in the year 1859. A few moments later, I was talking to Roa again. Roa insisted that he didn't know Smith, but Smith had told us that he knew both Roa and Tyler.

There is one detail that I have left out of this story. I didn't think it had any importance until I read an article here about "Zozo." Roa didn't talk to Hannah. He refused to. He said it was because she was atheist. We asked what that had to do with anything and he said ZO. I continued to ask Roa questions, but I found that he kept going back to ZO. At home, it got to the point that Roa would go off the board, and then come back on and go between the Z and the O repeatedly. I thought he was just messing around, having a little fun. For awhile, we even thought it meant "zoo." Every nine year old wants to go to the zoo, right?

The last time I used the Ouija board, Smith was the only person I talked to. He tried to count down several times. I even made a new pointer, burned the old one, and tried a different shape. He still tried to count down. I closed the board, and got on my computer to see if anyone else had encountered Smith. Instead, I found the story about Zozo and nearly had a heart attack. I'm too scared to even touch my Ouija board again. - Pearl


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