Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Man was bullied over childhood UFO encounter


Dave Davies was one of fourteen children who witnessed an object land outside their school in 1977.

The encounter was one of several UFO sightings reported in the Broad Haven area of Wales during the late 1970s as part of what would come to be known as the 'Broad Haven Triangle' mystery.

Davies' experience occurred on February 4th, 1977 when he and a group of classmates spotted a yellow cigar-shaped object descending in to a nearby field while they were out playing football.

The fourteen children along with their head teacher watched in amazement as a strange humanoid figure dressed in a silver outfit emerged from the object right in front of their eyes.

The children were later asked to sketch what they'd seen and produced eerily similar drawings.

One of the youngsters present that day was Dave Davies who is now 49. To him, the memory of the experience kick-started a life-long interest in the UFO phenomenon and an unquenchable desire to understand exactly what it is that he and the other children had witnessed.

"The sighting only lasted a few seconds but is burned on my memory like a photograph," he said.

"I've spent my entire life and countless thousands of pounds trying to find answers about what we saw that day. It has been a lifetime's fascination driven by a desire to get to the truth."

As a teenager however not everyone was willing to take his experience seriously.

"I suffered years of bullying and abuse during my secondary school years," he said. "Some of the bullying was horrific but however much I was beaten I would never recant on my account."

"My personal inclination is that our particular sighting had a terrestrial origin, however I have never ruled anything out."


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