Friday, October 9, 2015

Ghosts All Around Us: An Interview with a Ghost Hunter and Clairvoyant

Via by Stephen Wagner

Are there really ghosts all around us? Can we communicate with them? Do they talk to our children? Melba Goodwyn believes so. As an experienced parapsychologist, member of the Texarkana Paranormal Investigators and author of Ghost Worlds: A Guide to Poltergeists, Portals, Ecto-Mist & Spirit Behavior, Melba provides her personal insights into ghost and haunting phenomena.

Q: Have you seen a ghost with your own eyes? Can you briefly tell us about that experience?

Because I am clairvoyant as well as clairaudient, I have seen and do hear ghosts quite often. However, when I do see them it is usually a brief encounter due to the vibrational frequencies involved.

As a child they visited with me on a regular basis as invisible playmates and friends; sometimes as full apparitions and at others as wispy ecto-mist in various stages of manifestation. I never felt threatened by these strange encounters, nor was I ever afraid of them. They just were.

Now when I encounter ghosts, it is usually as full-bodied apparitions who appear as real as you and I. I often see loved ones who have passed over, and I see other ghosts as they arrive with clients for a metaphysical counseling session. They stay only long enough to convey a message that is usually offered to comfort my client or to take advantage of the reading as a way to say good-bye, not being allowed that opportunity due to an untimely death.

I believe that we all probably encounter ghosts everyday in our homes, at our workplaces and as we go about our daily activities. However, we fail to recognize them as such due to a lack of understanding of how they manifest and interact with us, or due to fear, or just plain honest denial of what we have seen or heard.

They share our space (or do we share theirs?)... either way they simply exist as a finer energy vibration than we are. When we resonate with a ghost – when we vibrate at their frequency or they vibrate ours – contact is made possible and I believe it does happen everyday to everyone on some level.

Q: Are so-called shadow people true ghosts, or something else?

Melba: I believe that what is now referred to as shadow people by the paranormal community and ghost hunters as well are indeed ghosts. Because we – both humans and ghosts – are energized forms, we vibrate at fluctuating frequencies. This vibration determines what colors we see. Ghosts travel at different speeds through vibrational fields of energy to enter our dimension, and this is why they are often seen and photographed as a dark color.

I believe that shadow ghosts are indeed intelligent beings and are attempting to communicate with us. However, it may be that they are not yet aware of their ability to manifest as full apparitions in our realm of existence.

Q: Imaginary friends of children is an interesting topic, and it’s thought that in some cases they might actually be ghosts. Is there any way a parent can tell whether such a friend is indeed imaginary or something from the spirit world?

Melba: This is a fascinating aspect of ghostly visitations. I believe that only on rare occasions would an imaginary friend be the creation of the child. They are real! They do exist, and they do communicate with children, play with them and interact with them on a consistent basis. Without a doubt, this is one of strongest proofs of ghostly contact.

A concerned parent should listen in on their conversations. If they are in direct communication with a ghost, or spirit guide for that matter, they will be relaxed, spontaneous and chattering away happily. It will sound as if there is actually someone else in the room. They will focus their line of sight on a particular part of a room, a chair or anywhere that the ghost may be. They may play games, ask questions and even answer their unseen playmates. It will appear that there is actually someone there, and there will be, albeit invisible to everyone but the child.

On the other hand, if a child appears confused, scared, unhappy or even angry, there could be a cause for concern, and a competent counselor should be consulted. Otherwise, allow them their harmless friendships, which, by the way, they accept without question and usually replace with other real-life friends upon entering school. Having said all this, there is, of course, always an exception to the rule, and I have known people who have developed life-long contacts with their childhood friends that have grown into mature, nurturing relationships.

Q: You have a chapter on ghost orbs. Personally, I have a hard time accepting orbs in photographs are evidence of ghosts. What convinces you that orbs represent spirit energy?

Melba: I’m happy to address this issue and indeed it is one of the most controversial subjects facing the paranormal community today. I am convinced that orbs – spheres of electromagnetic energy (ghosts) are real because I have experienced them on many levels: spiritual, emotional and physical. Experience is always the best and surest way to define one’s reality and I can attest to the existence of orbs as ghosts by analyzing my own personal experiences with them.

I have personally seen them move, change colors upon request and take on form.

I have also witnessed them respond to direct human communications. I have watched them as they displayed curiosity by checking out our video equipment and also by performing amazing antics for the camera. Rest assured that anywhere there are orbs there will be ghosts and other energy anomalies as well.

My personal experiences extend to my family and friends, and they too have witnessed orbs and their ability to show up when and where they choose. I have a very large living room area and we often entertain there, and have family gatherings and parties in that room because it is so large. What is interesting is that we always take many pictures at such events and usually there are no orbs. However, when children are present, such as at birthday parties, family holidays and when they stay overnight, there are always, without fail, a lot orbs are in our photographs. They show up in all sizes and colors, and many will project facial features and expressions.

Why? I believe that as ghosts they have taken an active interest in children and their activities.

Perhaps their boundless energy attracts the ghosts, or maybe they are just lonely and seeking recognition, realizing of course that children accept them as they are. If a child is ill or disabled, I have noticed that orbs seem to cluster around them, as if sharing their energy with them in some unknown way. They also seem to stay close to pregnant women. Perhaps they are relatives who have passed over and have returned to communicate with the encapsulated soul.

Okay, by now you are probably thinking, “the kids were stirring up dust!” Not so! Actually, a crowded room of family and friends creates as much or more traffic flow and activity than the children whether they are playing quietly, opening presents or just napping.

As for orbs as dust, I would like to say this: Dust does cling to static electricity – and what are ghosts but electromagnetic energy in spherical form that is vibrating at a very high rate of speed. So, a ghost by any other name is still a ghost!

Q: Why do we ghost hunt? What do we hope to learn from it?

Melba: This question is very philosophical and the answer is just as profound. I believe that people ghost hunt or in other words investigate the paranormal, other dimensions and unseen realities, because religion as a whole doesn’t adequately answer their questions regarding death and dying, and least of all of the journey of the soul.

They are searching for answers about life and death. They know that we all have experiences that can’t be explained away by science or religion and that these experiences have purpose and meaning in our lives. Because of this they are forced to rely on their innate spirituality and intuition to find the answers they seek. They are in search of proof first for themselves and then secondly for the general public – that we co-exist with ghosts on daily basis, and in so doing they are actually re-defining death!

Q: There have been many attempts at communicating with ghosts, most popularly through EVP (electronic voice phenomena). But the messages we get through EVP are less than enlightening; they are usually mundane phrases. Why do you think we don’t get more meaningful information from these voices? And how might we attempt to get more meaningful information from them?

This is a very interesting aspect of ghost hunting. First of all, the reason we don’t get full sentences or meaningful communications is two-fold: First, what the investigator may be recording may actually be a transmission of residual energy: a playback or bleed-over from another place or time. It may be a voice or part of a conversation that was imprinted on the electromagnetic field and has been encased in a frequency that allows it to be heard over and over again.

Second, the voice may be from an actual ghost. However, once again, it takes a tremendous amount of energy to relay a voice transmission through waves of vibrational energy in order to reach our interconnected realm of existence. The transmission may have started out as a full sentence or even dialogue; however, by the time it sifts through and finds a compatible frequency it can become distorted and parts of the communication may be lost, allowing us to only hear bits and pieces of the original transmission.

This has to be very frustrating for the ghost! I truly empathize with them; to be able to see us, hear us, and not be able to communicate with us has to be very frustrating as well as confusing to them. And this is, of course, how ghost hunters actually feel at times.

Making contact with a ghost through whatever means is always a two-way endeavor. Taking into account energy vibrations, frequencies, personalities (both human and disembodied), and perseverance, a diligent investigator may just get lucky. Or not!


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