Saturday, September 5, 2015

Ghost moves chair across floor of house

Via by Sophie Doughty

This spooky footage shows the moment a chair was apparently moved by a ghost across the floor of a haunted house.

Paranormal investigators - who captured the footage while probing unusual goings on at the property - said it is strong evidence of the the existence of ghostly spirits.

One of the team, Terry Johnson set up a camera at the home in Rowlands Gill, in Tyne and Wear after a resident raised fears that he felt the property was haunted.

Within an hour of setting up specialist equipment, Terry recorded footage of a chair moving entirely on its own.

The 54-year-old told our sister paper the Newcastle Chronicle: "We were just gobsmacked when we saw it.

"We have never had anything like that before and we haven't stopped talking about it since.

"It’s the most compelling evidence we have got up to now on an investigation."

The homeowner, who did not want to be identified, added: "It was absolutely amazing.

"I knew there was something not right and now he's just proved it."

Terry, a full-time carer from North Kenton in Newcastle set up the Gateshead Paranormal Society last year with a former colleague who also had a keen interest in ghosts.

And he was approached by the homeowner earlier this year while investigating some unusual goings-on at the Red Kite pub in Winlaton Mill.

"Before we go into a property we always do a bit of research first," Terry explained.

"We found out the house had been built on woodland and that the current owner has done renovation on the property, and that is something that can stir spirits up."

Terry and his fellow ghosthunters went to the house on Sunday night and set-up their cameras.

And at around 10.20pm he asked the spirits to reveal themselves, and within moments the chair moved.

The homeowner said he's been convinced his house was haunted since moving in 18 months ago.

He said: "There were things happening we couldn't explain, things like a sauce bottle being turned on its side for no reason.

"And our dog would sometimes just stand and look into space which he never did in the last house.

"That got the alarm bells ringing."

After hearing about Terry's work the resident was determined to see if he could prove there was something unusual about the house.

"I met Terry one night when he was in the local pub and I got talking to him and I said; ‘I believe my house is haunted’,” he said.

"I just wanted to see some evidence and I knew he had all the equipment."

But despite seeing the work of his ghostly lodgers first-hand, the homeowner is not too spooked.

"When I went to bed at first I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep, but I don't feel any different now," he explained.

"This has just confirmed what I thought all along.

"But it seems it's a friendly ghost.

"I really wasn't that surprised.

"I knew something wasn't right.

"I have always believed in ghosts.

"I have always said I would keep an open mind until I saw it for myself and now I have."


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