Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Haunting in Peterborough: Paranormal Survivor recalls the horror

Via thespec.com by Lance Anderson

Goosebumps formed on Nikki Playford's arms as she recounted the horrors that played out in her New Romaine Street home last summer.

She had just moved into the upper level apartment with her son Aiden, now 11, when the haunting began.

First, the towel rack in the bathroom fell off the wall.

Later, she watched as her pot rack, secured with screws, vaulted across the kitchen crashing with a clang on the floor.

Then the flies came.

Playford had closed one curtain in her living room to cut the glare from her television. She opened it an hour later to find the inside window pane covered with hundreds of flies.

"I never noticed flies before in the apartment and half an hour later they were gone and I never found a single dead fly," she says.

Then her E-cigarette went missing. It turned up later sitting in the middle of her living room floor after she searched her entire house.

But the epicentre of disturbances seemed to emanate from inside Aiden's bedroom. Almost like a pulse, Playford could feel an evil presence. The room, recalls Playford, was always hot as an oven, even when the rest of the house was cool.

"The evil. You could just feel it. You could feel something standing in my son's bedroom doorway glaring at you. But you couldn't see it," says Playford.

Playford's spooky story was featured in the Travel and Escape television show Paranormal Survivor. The episode first aired in February, but Playford recently posted the episode to her Facebook page which has garnered many views and comments from skeptics and believers.

Sitting across from Playford, it's easy to tell she truly believes what she experienced, although she admits most people likely think she's making it up.

"If I didn't go through it, I'd say I was nuts. People probably think I'm insane," says Playford.

The producers of the television show didn't think so. They quickly contacted Playford after she sent them an email outlining her experiences. They agreed to cover the story and filmed the segment last August.

"I was nervous because there is a stigma attached to it," she says.

However, she has enough people in her court believing her story to be true, including two Peterborough mediums Shannon Doidge and her daughter Chelsea O'Brien, who helped rid Playford of the evil presence.

They were also interviewed by the producers of Paranormal Survivors and were featured in the episode.

Doidge says she knew Playford needed help the moment she first spoke to her on the phone. They connected through Facebook and Doidge agreed to visit the house. At the time, a crew from Peterborough Paranormal was there conducting an investigation.

"As soon as I walked in, I felt a heaviness and negativity in the air," says Doidge.

She realized there wasn't one presence, but two, dwelling inside the small house.

Doidge says one was the spirit of murder victim Rodney Hadwyn who was stabbed to death in 2011 on the train tracks near Jackson Avenue, not far from the house.

Turns out Hadwyn is a distant relative of Playford's son. They had never met before, until the day he was murdered. Aiden was visiting relatives who rushed to the Peterborough hospital upon news of what happened to Hadwyn. Aiden saw him there.

Doidge believes Hadwyn's spirit later attached itself to Aiden to protect him from a darker, more sinister presence that was already inside the home before Ms Playford moved in. Doidge says that evil was targeting Aiden for whatever reason, and Hadwyn was keeping him safe.

After Doidge and O'Brien helped Rodney "cross over" the evil could be felt 10 fold.

"I think Rodney kept it at bay. I've never felt evil like that in my life as soon as Rodney crossed over," says Doidge.

The mediums returned later that night to cleanse the home of the evil spirit.

To some, what happened next may sound fantastical, unbelievable if you will, but according to Doidge the events as she experienced are true.

Both Doidge and O'Brien walked into Aiden's bedroom to confront the entity.

"The negative energy came right up in front of us," explains Doidge.

She adds she can see certain things with her mind's eye. O'Brien, on the other hand, sees a more physical energy. What they saw was straight out of someone's worst nightmare.

In the room was a demon she says, like a large gargoyle with wings.

Doidge says she had never experienced anything like this before.

"We asked the Archangel Michael to help us and he came in," says Doidge.

She adds other evil spirits arrived to help, prompting other angels to join the fight.

An epic battle of good versus evil ensued inside Aiden's room.

"It came right up to our faces and it was grabbed by the angels and they yanked it out through the walls and it was gone," says Doidge. "We were saying the Lord's Prayer and it was gone."

Playford says some residual negative energy remained inside the home for a couple of days after the incident. But for the most part, the haunting stopped. The home felt lighter immediately after the evil spirit was banished, almost like a light switch had been turned on.

Playford ended up living in the home for another year and experienced no other incidents. She thanks Doidge and O'Brien for their help.

Doidge says this was the first time she has been featured on a television show in relation to her medium work. She says for the most part it's been a positive experience, although it has opened her up for requests from other people for help.

Playford says she's now being recognized as the "ghost girl" and has had countless requests from strangers on Facebook.

She adds she takes the notoriety in stride and is just happy she and her son are now living a ghost-free existence in a new apartment in Peterborough.


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