Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Can You Perform Psychokinesis? Try This Experiment at Home for Fun

Via theepochtimes.com by Tara MacIsaac

A reader sent us a description of an at-home psychokinesis experiment he’s tried that he says has worked for him and others he’s shown it to.

The reader, Tomich Carpenter, wrote: “I am not in any way a scientist. The following is my experience from 35 years ago. This was shown to me by an old gypsy woman, make of that what you will.”

Give it a try for fun and let us know if you get any results!

You will need:
-A square piece of paper
-An eraser (or something a needle will stick into and stand up in. We used a small candle)
-A needle
-An open mind

1. Get a square piece of paper. Exact size doesn’t matter. We used 4 inches by 4 inches.

2. Fold two of the corners together and press down. Unfold it, leaving a diagonal crease in the paper.

3. Do the same for the other two corners. Now you have a square piece of paper with two creases intersecting in the middle.

4. This will allow you to pop it up into a pyramid shape. The place where the two creases intersect form the point, and the bottom of the pyramid is open.

5. Stick a needle in an eraser (we used a candle, making due with what was on hand).

6. Balance the paper pyramid on top of the needle.

7. Place your forearms on the table on either side of the pyramid. Keep your hands a few inches away from the pyramid. Your thumbs should be facing upward.

Carpenter said at this point in the experiment, the pyramid would begin moving even though it had been still before. He thought it might be a wind current or his breath pushing it. He created barriers around himself to block any drafts and he also tied a handkerchief around his face to cover his mouth. It still moved.

“I also found that I could stop the rotation and cause an opposite rotation,” he said.

He wrote: “I became frightened at what the possibilities might be and I quit with the experiments. Curiosity got the better of me and after several months I resumed the experiment. I found it difficult to produce any results at all, but eventually I was able to resume. However, I never attained the same results.”

Of course, without performing this in a controlled environment with professional scientists, it shouldn’t be taken as proof of psychokinesis. But, it may be fun to give it a go at home and see what happens!


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