Paranormal Searchers

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Spirit energy is powerful


In today’s society people who are sick visit the doctor, someone who goes through years of school and adheres to the modern philosophy of medicine. Remedies for colds are often handled by drugs prescribed by your doctor. Commercials for those drugs state that there are side effects, sometimes worse than the original symptoms. This version of medicine hasn’t always been around, in fact has only arisen in the last few centuries. Before the new age, people were placing their lives in the hands of homeopathic, herbalists and energy healers.

Metaphysicians are a version of this treasured past, before the days of free samples of prescription drugs given to patients to sell more. Not everyone in today’s modern world seeks today’s treatments, and metaphysicians help those who seek alternative medicine. Metaphysics is defined as the part of philosophy that is concerned with the basic causes and nature of things. Metaphysicians believe in the power of spiritual healing, Reiki, meditation and prayer. Whether or not the power of prayer heals wounds or any physical ailments, people can be put at rest and reassured believing someone is on their side and looking out for them.

“I’m not a physician in any way. I simply offer up astrological info on the energies of the different planets, our moon, and sun for people’s psychological reflection,” writes metaphysician Will Harrison.

Now not all metaphysicians have degrees, but have instead learned through many years of patience and practicing. For others there are classes available online and although unaccredited, they seem to provide a foundation in which to build on for the budding metaphysician. There are several courses from Delphi University, the least being a certification for Mediumship for $2,475 and a Doctor of Metaphysics course running up to over $10,000. If you wish to go through the whole program from start to finish, it will cost over $26,000. The sum of those classes is a substantial sum of money, leaving many wondering if these courses and subjects are a scam.

Instead of having a world with just one choice, today we are lucky enough to have many options to choose from, as more and more people start to learn about the ancient ways of spiritual healing. The spiritual nature of life should always be considered in conjunction with the modern.


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