Thursday, April 23, 2015

Mystery surrounds island ruins in Siberia


A small island on a remote Siberian lake is home to stone ruins that remain shrouded in mystery.

First explored in 1891, the enigmatic ruins of Por Bajin are believed to date back around 1,300 years to between 744 and 840 AD.

It isn't clear what the buildings were, who built them or what they would have been used for. Some researchers believe that the island may have once played host to a Buddhist or Manichaean temple while others subscribe to the idea that it was the site of a summer palace during the time of the Uyghur Empire.

Others again believe that it may have been an ancient observatory or defensive fortification.

To add to the mystery there is also evidence to suggest that the inhabitants abandoned the island not long after construction was completed however there is no indication as to why.

Even the significance of the site remains a matter of debate as the lake may have formed around the structures after they were built as oppose to them being deliberately constructed on an island.

Whatever the case may be, Por Bajin is likely to remain a mystery for many years to come.


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