Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Ghost Hunting 101 in Maple Shade

Tracie Van Auken/Freelance
Via by Sean Patrick Murphy

MAPLE SHADE — “If there’s something weird and it don’t look good, who you gonna call?”

Nope, not Ghostbusters.

Try New Jersey Researchers of Paranormal Evidence (NJROPE).

The group taught its Ghost Hunting 101 class Saturday morning at the Maple Shade Public Library. There was talk of spirits, like demons, poltergeist, angels and spirit guides.

While Frank Lazzaro, founder and director of NJROPE, spoke about the advanced equipment they use when hunting ghosts like digital cameras, full spectrum and infrared cameras, laser grids, electromagnetic field meters, radio frequency meters, thermometers and barometers, he said voice recordings make up 99 percent of evidence collected.

“We hope that (those in attendance) get a basic understanding of what goes into being an investigator” and the hard work involved, he said.

The experienced ghost hunter also proudly displayed evidence in the form of photographs and videos that apparently show spirits that emit energy.

Lazzaro also said he wants people to see the nuts and bolts of being a ghost hunter, not just what they see on television.

He admitted the equipment can be expensive.

“You can put as much into it as you want,” he said, “As little as a voice recorder and a camera or the sky’s the limit.”

Lazzaro started the group in 2009.

“I started NJROPE Paranormal because of my own unexplainable experiences. New Jersey Researchers of Paranormal Evidence is a group of researchers who each have a calling for learning more about this unseen world,” he says on the NJROPE website ( “We take what we do very seriously, and will work with our clients to give them an understanding of what they are experiencing.”

Lazzaro, whose day job is as a histology technician, said there is a six-month training program for those who join. The group has 25 members and doesn’t charge for its services.

“We’re a group of volunteers that have a common bond and we’ve found a way to assist the public,” Lazzaro said.

Ethan Darr, 14, of Maple Shade, said his sister introduced him to the paranormal by having him watch ghost hunter shows with her.

“Seeing all this stuff on TV really interested me to see what there is in the world,” he said, noting he likes to see video and photographic evidence.

For NJROPE member Kerry Morony, ghost hunting is a “passion.”

The veterinarian technician has been a member since October 2011.

She said people call expecting to be labeled as crazy and invite NJROPE to investigate.

“We all joined the group for our own reasons to try to see if we can answer questions we may have but for me personally it’s also because I get to help people,” Morony said, noting they try to resolve ghost situations. “That brings me a lot of joy knowing we can help some families.”


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