Saturday, February 21, 2015

Woman has 1,000 near-death experiences

Beverley Gilmour suffers from a rare condition that sees her leave her own body several times a month.

For most people a near-death experience would be a rare event, something that might happen only in the most unusual and undesirable of circumstances.

For 49-year-old Beverley Gilmour however near-death experiences have become a normal part of her life and she had been enduring them several times a month for almost 30 years.

Her condition is the only known case in the United Kingdom.

"I go into a trance like state whilst I am lying down," she said. "I feel I move over to the after life. I can see my own body and hear everything that is going on around me."

"It is not painful but when I come round I feel sore and stiff and my head burns. I have no concept of time and have no idea how long it takes. I can be so exhausted I am bed-ridden for up to four days."

Once the director of a graphic design company, Gilmour is now registered as disabled and is looked after by her two sons.

"Most people who go through an NDE - a near death experience - have them on the operating table or in a moment of trauma like a car accident," she said.

"But I have been having three a month since 1987."


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