Thursday, February 26, 2015

What was the mystery object or creature in Plymouth Sound?

An unidentified object or creature has been spotted floating in Plymouth Sound and Herald readers want to know what it was.

Several people have contacted The Herald asking about what they saw in the waters off our shore this weekend.

Allan Jones of West Hill took these pictures.

He said: "On Sunday morning I spotted a large marine like creature or object in Plymouth Sound.

"I had a telephoto lens and captured a number of images. The first one I took I was up by Smeaton's tower but then went down towards the sea for some closer shots.

"The creature or object moved in circles, appeared to curve its shape and moved a considerable distance from left to right, turn and then move back the other way.

"I have circled a piece of floating wood that floated up to and past it.

"The creature or object then turned and remained stationary. It was seen by a number of people.

"I was using a 400mm telephoto lens as it was a fair distance out to sea."

Stacey Westlake contacted us on Facebook to ask: "Please could you tell me what was in the water on the Hoe.

"We saw most of it but had to get back to the car?? People was saying it looked like a shark or dolphin."

But Nathan Dale, who was on-call for the Plymouth Lifeboat, has assured people that what was spotted lurking in the water was nothing more than a piece of driftwood caught up in the rip current.

Mr Dale, who was near the waterfront with his children, said: "I borrowed a passer-by's binoculars, because it looked like a creature at first.

"Someone called the emergency services and the MoD Police took a closer look. The police had reports of it being a body, and it had me wondering so I wanted to make sure we weren't needed to assist.

"But it was just pieces of driftwood."

Carmel Alhatab also contacted us to ask for an answer.

The Herald is continuing to investigate.


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