Monday, February 16, 2015

Interested in a haunted object? Check eBay


It's widely believed in the paranormal field that spirits can attach themselves to objects - a favorite piece of furniture, clothing or even a photograph.

One of the most famous haunted objects is the Jewish wine box known as The Dibbuk Box.

An antique buyer/refinisher purchased the box at an estate sale in Portland, Oregon in September 2001.

Upon purchasing the wooden cabinet - which had been owned by a recently deceased 103-year-old Polish woman - the buyer learned some history of the item from the previous owner's granddaughter.

The woman told the buyer that her grandmother had obtained the box in Spain, then brought it with her when she immigrated to the United States.

She said her grandmother called it a Dibbuk Box and claimed it contained a dibbuk - a malevolent wandering spirit that enters and possesses the body of a living person until exorcised - or keselim, and was adamant that the box should never be opened.

A series of strange and scary events began to occur almost immediately after the buyer brought the cabinet back to his refinishing shop.

After approximately two years of paranormal and frightening activity surrounding the box, the buyer put the object for sale on eBay.

The dibbuk box story has been told time and again, and was even the subject of the 2012 movie "The Possession," with Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Kyra Sedgwick.

Surprisingly, haunted objects show up for sale on websites such as eBay and Craig's List quite often.

Currently up for bid on eBay is a "2007 Haunted Apple MacBook Laptop Computer."

Sometimes I feel like all computers are a bit haunted, but OK, let's take a look.

"Computer works great and may also be haunted by a ghost or specter. Computer is not haunted by a demon or 'devil man' negative entity," the listing reads.

The seller says in the listing that he is "90 percent" sure the object became haunted after it was left in a graveyard next to an abandoned mental hospital over night. The seller also notes that this was done "by accident."

"I was doing some sketches in the graveyard (I'm an amateur sketch artist) and I brought the computer with me to play some music while I honed by craft," says the listing. "Anyway, I woke up the next morning and realized I'd forgotten the dang thing there in the graveyard."

The seller returned to the graveyard and found the computer was just where it had been forgotten, propped open and still playing a Beethoven song.

The seller took the laptop home and noticed that "all of my songs in iTunes had become scary or haunted," and the desktop background had been changed to a scary photo.

The following week, he noticed that some items in his home had been rearranged.

The seller goes on to say the computer would sometimes levitate, and open and shut quickly "as though the computer was attempting to speak."

Perhaps the most unusual claim involves ghostly messages from the laptop.

"The way he communicates with us is by grasping a pen between the keyboard and monitor and writing on pieces of printer paper from our home office," writes the seller. "As such, I am given to believe that this ghost may have lived in a time before computers, for he appears to be quite unaware of the purpose of the machine he inhabits."

The computer also vacuumed the seller's den and left him a note saying that it loved him.

There are 27 bidders who have placed more than 150 bids. The bid has surpassed $5,000 and is climbing as I type.

While I do believe spirits can attach themselves to objects, this is all pretty far-fetched.

The fact that people are bidding so much on this object is the most paranormal part of this entire story.

If you search "haunted" on eBay and tons of objects come up that are supposed to be haunted.

Are they?

Perhaps some are, but this 2007 Mac laptop is more than likely not. And if it is, I am "90-percent sure" that it's not holding a pen and handwriting notes to the current owner.


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