Saturday, February 28, 2015

Ghosts are still big business in Thailand

Ghosts, fortune telling and superstitions remain an integral part of the local culture in Thailand.

While ghost hunting shows and paranormal investigations might have become increasingly commonplace in the West over the last few years, our obsession with all things paranormal comes nowhere close to matching the level to which beliefs in the supernatural have become ingrained in Thailand's society and culture.

From its remote rural regions to its biggest cities, everywhere you go in Thailand you will find at least some reference to ghosts, spirits, fortune telling or a multitude of other esoteric subjects.

Even high profile political figures and military generals take the time to consult a seer before making a big decision and fortune tellers are used by everyone from students to business owners.

When an image of the former Prime Minister, Samak Sundhornvej, appeared on a screen shortly after his death in 2009 many political figures believed it to have been a visit from beyond the grave.

"The spirit of Mr. Samak came back to say goodbye," the speaker of Parliament said at the time.

Not everyone is happy with the way things are however. Science professor Jessada Denduangboripant of Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok is involved in a campaign to protest against what an increasing body of scientists are describing as an over reliance of pseudoscience.

"We’ve been told since childhood there are ghosts everywhere," he said. "You can have an iPhone and technology all around you. But you still stick to superstition."


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