Thursday, October 30, 2014

Swarm Of 800,000 Bees Kills Arizona Gardener

A swarm of bees has killed a man in Arizona and sent another to hospital.

The two were working at a house in Douglas, a town on the border with Mexico, when they were attacked.

They were part of a group of four cutting grass and weeding for the owner of the house, a 90-year-old man who was not stung, news reports said.

According to the Arizona Republic, one worker had collapsed and was in respiratory arrest by the time then emergency medical personnel arrived at the scene.

He died at the hospital. The other was stung about 100 times, the newspaper said.

A huge hive, about 4ft wide (1.2m) and 6ft long (1.8m), was found inside the home's attic. It was believed to be a decade old and some 800,000 bees were estimated to be inside.

A beekeeper later exterminated it after parts of the roof of the home were torn off.

The Fire Department used foam and pesticide and cordoned off several blocks of the street for several hours.

Authorities have warned neighbours to be alert.

The landscapers worked for an association called The Douglas Arc, a group of people with developmental disabilities, CBS reported. They do landscaping work around town.


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