Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Siberian Holes May Be Related to the Bermuda Triangle

Those mysterious holes that appeared in Siberia earlier this year may actually be small “distant relatives” of the Bermuda Triangle, according to a report in the journal Science in Siberia. Does this mean that Russian sledders, skiers and yak herders are in danger of disappearing? Will small ships or runners in giant hamster balls start popping out of holes in Siberia?

The Siberian Times reports that researchers from the Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum-Gas Geology and Geophysics recently spent four days checking out the three holes, although they weren’t allowed to descend into the holes for “safety” reasons – don’t the Russians have drones yet? They confirmed previous speculations that higher-than-normal ground temperatures (possibly due to global warming) met with heat generated by an underground fault line to release gas hydrates trapped in the permafrost, triggering underground gas explosions that formed the holes.

How does that relate to the Bermuda Triangle? Igor Yeltsov, deputy head of the Trofimuk Institute explains:
There is a version that the Bermuda Triangle is a consequence of gas hydrates reactions. They start to actively decompose with methane ice turning into gas; it happens in an avalanche-like way, like a nuclear reaction, producing huge amounts of gas. That makes ocean to heat up and ships sink in its waters mixed with a huge proportion of gas. The same leads to the air to get supersaturated with methane, which makes the atmosphere extremely turbulent and lead to aircraft crashes.
Yeltsov notes that the Russia government is definitely concerned about these craters, bringing in experts from both academia and business.
It is quite a rare case of a state corporation and a scientific body uniting resources. Our partners provided us with helicopters and special equipment, allowing us to carry all necessary researches in the area with a high possibility of methane ignition. We pulled some money from other projects and got the rest of equipment together.”
If you believe the anomalies in the Bermuda Triangle are caused by methane gas, this correlation to the Siberian holes makes some sense. If you don’t, what else could be causing them and are they truly related?


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