Friday, October 17, 2014

Schoolgirls Confess Link to Flesh-Eating Witchcraft Group

Residents of a Zimbabwean village are living in fear after two young girls, who allegedly admitted to drinking blood and eating human flesh, confessed to being part of a cannibalistic cult of witches.

The Glendale duo, approximately 8 and 11, apparently claimed that they visit graveyards at night in the company of elderly witches, where they would exhume graves and collect human remains for consumption.

"This granny would pick me up and go with me to gather firewood where she would always say to me 'look at those snakes'," one of the girls told My Zimbabwe News.

"From there I started seeing three people at night who would say to me 'Let's go and eat human flesh'. I would sneak out of the house then go with them."

One of the girls also claimed that an effect of the black magic was that whenever she left her house with the witches and a warlock, her shadow would be left behind in her home.

It has also emerged that 'witches' shared and distributed according to their group's "Terms and Conditions of allocation". While some eat the victims head, some devour the intestines and others hands and legs.

Although the little girls have offered to prove their prowess in witchcraft, none of the terrified community have been brave enough to take them up on the offer.

"We were all too scared. No one was willing to go with the girl to the graveyard on that night. She wanted to show us the pot of blood as well as how they mysteriously open the graves and eat human flesh," said village chief Mudimu.

"This little girl challenged us all to accompany her so we could see it all with our own eyes but we all couldn't get enough guts."

The two girls implicated four women and one man who all live at the Kia-ora farm's compound.

All five reportedly denied the allegations but confessed four hours later after being subjected to holy water and a holy stick, the local church leader said.

"The witchcraft spirits that these people are possessed with are different. Some operate by night, some are possessed with ancestral spirits but as for this man [suspected warlock] it's a different case altogether. He is a real witch, there is no doubt about that." Prophet Gabriel told My Zimbabawe News.


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