Saturday, November 2, 2013

Indrid Cold is Back?

On Yahoo! Answers – it is said that 916 203 7503 is the paranormal hotline, where you can get your paranormal answers. Lately, I have been overwhelmed with paranormal hotline calls and I had to ask for assistance.
That assistance came from Sara K. Singh and Tuesday Rubsam – my two paranormal hotline operators. There are two types of calls, that I will handle. 

Those two types of calls are: local – in case it’s for an investigation and international. Usually international calls are from people that have stories to report. A majority of my calls are from people who have gotten themselves into trouble by playing with the dreaded Ouija Board. Same old story, I have been playing with a Ouija Board and I now have Satan living in my refrigerator…well, maybe not that dramatic, but you get the picture. 
I thank Sara and Tuesday for handling these calls. Those type of calls wear me down mentally. I love fresh stories and when I get an international call, it’s usually fresh. Today is August 25, 2013 and one of those international calls came in. 
How can I tell? There are multiple digits that exceeds the normal 10 digits or the area code is just weird. In today’s case, the area code is 020, that is not the United States, the area code is weird. I knew this was an international call. I took it. The call comes in at 11:05am. 

Paul: Paranormal Hotline?

Scott Hayes: Hi mate, got a situation for you.

Paul: That accent. Where are you from, England, Australia?

Scott: London, England.

Paul: I love London, been there twice, Piccadilly Square, Jack the Ripper Tour of the East End, Thames River, Westminster Abbey and even got a tour of Buckingham Palace with my former wife Patricia and son Jason.

Scott: You have been here? Good, yes London is a beautiful place. Did you go to Stonehenge?

Paul: Yes, while there I was looking for crop circles. My ex-wife thought Stonehenge was a pile of rocks and wanted to go shopping at Hamley’s Toy Shop, same toy store that a masked Michael Jackson shopped at.

Scott: Awww…so true. I am calling you about a big concern I have. I was recently abducted by an alien?

Paul: One alien?

Scott: I know you may think I am crazy. But, I am as sane as my pops. My pops is retired from New Scotland Yard. What I saw is a bugger. Yes, I saw one alien. I was actually on a hillside near Stonehenge with night vision goggles, looking for crop circle activity. I observed 3 small pulsating blue lights zipping around like crazy. I am a bit of a paranormal investigator myself. I just want answers mate. After my observation, out of bloody nowhere appeared a man in a black business suit and he was grinning like that Joker villain, you see on Batman. He was a tall ****er! He telepathically communicated with me. He told me that our world needs to be prepared, in the upcoming months, a big event is going to occur and it will affect mankind. There will be a negative impact on the populace of the world. I wasn’t bladdered mate. I ask him: “who are you?” He tells me Endrid Chill. He waves his hand over me, I am on my knees, scared to death. I am transported into a huge white room, I am restrained. I am in some kind of glass metal tube and a cold slimy gel is poured over my whole body. This is all I can remember for now. When I came to, I was back in the field and I was missing 4 hours. The sun was now coming up.

Paul: Scott, have you thought of having regressive hypnosis conducted on you?

Scott: Yes, but every time I think about doing this, I am bloody scared. Scared of what I might find out.

Paul: Be brave Scott, you need to get this done and find out the answers.

Scott: Sure, one day. I’ll let you know when I do.

Paul: Something rings a bell with this Endrid Chill. How do you spell Endrid?

Scott: E-N-D-R-I-D.

Paul: Is that your spelling or did this alien tell you how he spelled his name?

Scott: My spelling.

Paul: Oh. Hold on. (I scramble to my computer. The Endrid Chill and the grinning alien sounds very familiar). After some time Googling with Scott on the line and typing in the grinning alien, the grinning man, I get Indrid Cold!! I knew there was something familiar with Endrid Chill. It’s so close to Indrid Cold of the Mothman case.

Paul: Scott, I am wondering if Endrid Chill is no other than Indrid Cold – over 6 feet tall guy with a plastered grin on his face, wearing a shiny blue jump suit. Indrid Cold was part of the Mothman sightings in Point Pleasant, Virginia. In fact some people believe Indrid Cold was the Mothman, but in another disguise. Of course, the Mothman is considered as a harbinger of doom and appeared to the people of Point Pleasant before the Silver Bridge collapsed.

Scott: Yes, he had to be about 6’5. He had very small dark eyes. I was so focused on his grin, I didn’t see any other features. His grin was terrifying.

Paul: Damn! Sounds like you are describing The Grinning Man, except you said he wore a black suit, sort of a MIB (Men in Black) look. Of course some people theorize that Indrid Cold was indeed an MIB. If everything you say is correct, then you may have encountered a legendary entity, no other than Indrid Cold. I want you to go to: and read about Indrid.

Scott: Yes, I will.

Paul: The conversation continues and Scott and I discuss about possible life on other planets, black holes, worm holes, ancient aliens, Sumerian clay tablets, Erich von Daniken, etc. Scott will remain in touch with me and will let me know what his results are, when he is hypnotized. This was an amazing call! As Scott said his last word to me: ‘cheerio’, this will be one call that will remain in my thoughts for some time to come.

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Esoteric Detective
aka The Demon Warrior
Hegelianism Paranormal Intelligence (International)!/groups/HPIinternational/
Managed by Staci Butler, HPI Twitter Account Manager
My Bio Link at Ceri Clark’s All Destiny Magazine!
Paranormal Cellular Hotline: For Investigation or Advice: 916 203 7503

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