Thursday, April 12, 2012

UFO spotted flying over Seoul

A video filmed by a passenger flying over Seoul in South Korea on Saturday shows an unidentified flying object (UFO) soaring over the capital.

The mysterious white object floated into view and when the passenger zoomed into to get a better look, the spherical object appeared to instantly rise in altitude and disappeared.

The video was uploaded on YouTube by Crazybreakingnews who said: "It looks a little bit strange and not really similar to the other videos.

"If it's really real and not a fake, it looks like a kind of military drone."

Sceptics have also commented on the video, saying that it could be fake.

YouTube user Pseud0Name wrote: "When stabilised, it is eay to see what is going on with the video.

"The edges of the UFO are not blurred like all of the other background objects, it seems like a separate effect from the background, and in fact you can see edge noise on the shape of the UFO indicating it's a fake.

"It doesn't even look right if you start to look at it hard, especially slowed down frame by frame."

Another viewer, vicariousjojoe, said: "People, you should know by now what is fake and what's not. You can always tell by the way the camera moves and zooms."

Meanwhile, Digital Journal reported that a magnified view of the UFO appears to support the assumption that the video is computer-generated imagery.


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