Monday, April 2, 2012

Six-Legged Calf Is Instant Hit In Switzerland

Meet leggy Lilli, a cute calf who has become an instant celebrity in Switzerland.

When Lilli came into the world -- in Weissenburg, 19 miles south of the capital city Bern -- with two extra legs attached to her back, an assisting vet didn't give her much chance of survival.

But The Local In Switzerland reports that Lilli is eating and drinking and frolicking around as if oblivious to her extraneous limbs.

According to the Associated Press, farmer Andreas Knutti wouldn't euthanize the 7-week-old cow because of her zest for life.

Knutti told the Swiss daily Blick that a curve in his young calf's spine may prevent her from becoming a normal milk cow.

"Even if she is not a normal milking cow, I do not want to get rid of her," said Knutti. "Perhaps we will find a zoo for her."

That's one happy heifer.

via Huffington Post

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