Paranormal Searchers

Monday, April 9, 2012

Occult Profile: Marisa Anderson, medium

You may have already read about Marisa Anderson as, like other noted folks in mediumship, she has been published frequently. She has indeed been around awhile but she is not one of the pretentious psychic mediums we see around. She has been written up on and about from such places asAmerican Woman Magazine, The Boston Globe, Fate Magazine, First for Women Magazine, Longevity Magazine, New Woman Magazine and Today's Woman. She's done the gambit of top radio shows such as New Yorks WOR with famed legendary Joe Franklin to ABC News with anchor Edward Miller, to NBC News in Missouri and so forth. Marisa's longevity, pureness and soulful ways makes her a real intuitive gem in anyones paranormal and occultist book. Look away from your reality television programming and manufactured 'starlets' and focus in on inspirational individuals such as Marisa. I present to you a three-part exclusive interview with this great soul.

Alexandra Holzer: When did you know you had an ability to 'see' and 'know' beyond what the average person could see and know? When did it all start for you?

Marisa Anderson: It all began for me when I was a little girl living in Bronxville, NY. I had told my mother while I was still in nursery school that the nanny we had that took care of me weekdays and one weekend day was not coming back to see me again. I cried and cried and no matter what my mother said, I was not consoled by it. She insisted that Anna (same first name as my mother) was returning back on Monday. Monday came and I was told she was not returning, she was in hospital for cancer treatment. I never saw her again, she passed away a very short time later -- within months. Her son Jimmy was my friend for some years until he became somewhat of a village renegade, my mother saying it was because of the loss of his sweet mother. His father had become despondent and an alcoholic. After some more things I was "seeing" had been expressed to my mother, she began to tell me I had the vision of a child, I could "see" what others could not, and knew things ahead of time as well.

She would sit me into her lap in a big claw foot chair we had in the living room and she would ask me questions about her mother still living in Russia, and I told her I could see her sitting in a market place, selling things. Later she received a letter telling her that in fact she would make extra money by selling some of the things my mother had sent her that she had no use of, and it made her enough money to live that month. So my mother would send her more things to sell after that. She asked about her missing brother if he was alive, I said yes that he was living in a place way north of where my grandmother in Russia lived, and that she would see him in a few years. He was thought to be dead, but in fact during the war he had managed to go way north toward Siberia after he had somehow gotten away from being a captive during those horrible days of Stalin and death camps, and he did manage to finally come home to see her!

She would ask about people coming to the house, and I told her my godfather was coming, something she didn't know, and that he was bringing home a beautiful young lady that I would just love! She thought I was nuts, but in fact he had come home from Holland married, with a beautiful blonde woman who made sure she had brought by some chocolate dutch "shoes" and of course, I loved her! So my mother began to see that I had a second sense, the sense of a child as she called it, that remained permanently. I would play games on her when I was a little older, like finding a parking spot in Bronxville. She would ask me to "look" and I would tell her to pull up next to a car, and wait and she would look at me and say "Ok what are we waiting for" and out would come some from a shop, and go to the car we were standing in front of. She would look at me and say, "How DO you do that?" and I would giggle. Later on she would look to lecture me about something, and I would lecture her word for word with some of the things she was about to say to me, and she once said "I hate when you do that" and walked away angry. I had never realized I was torturing her with it, and of course, I was so young, it hadn't dawned on me I was being somehow cruel to her. I never did it to her again.

AH: You've worked with the FBI and local police departments. Can you share with me a bit on what that was like?

MA: I had been asked to work certain cases after 1993. These cases and their participating investigators found me. I always made a practice of never initiating a case or pursuing a department for a case. As I learned early on, this didn't work for me. Whether missing persons or cold file homicides, I had to be the receiver of the case and a request to work it. I have been given some shields as a thank you, and keep them in my office desk drawer. I can't discuss the nature of many of the cases of course as it would be sensitive for the departments and as well for me, but I can say that the cases I worked I was treated respectfully and associated with as a colleague. I had carte blanche with the departments and I believe because of this honorable exchange, and easy working environment, they went to prosecution. Two were local to me in White Plains, NY brought by the Chief of Detectives at the time. He had permission from the mayor to use me fully with department resources behind me. I am proud of their openness and eagerness, and allowances, and the personalities I still recall where just a pleasure to work with. That made the difference, and they didn't treat me oddly or even skeptically. I do recall one rookie that rode in the car I was in, as multiple cars went to the scene on one case, and when we returned back into the car he was just white as a sheet. I looked into the back seat where he was sitting and asked "Are you okay?" he didn't answer. The chief who was driving our unmarked car answered for him. He said "No Marisa, he is not okay. You just blew the very foundation of his belief system." But everyone was just a professional. He then asked me if I was ready for my cappuccino. He remembered!

My credentials from these departments are in written form and I know that is just not done for someone like myself, but again, in this case they accommodated me in case another department needed corroboration I have it. Again, I worked closely side by side with them and it felt good. I was treated very graciously so much so that one time while I visited another dignitary was being given a tour of the department and the detective kindly stopped and introduced him to me, and vice versa telling him what I had done and who I was and that I worked in the "impossible." You don't forget that kind of acknowledgement by people who are normally very close-mouthed. Again I can't state enough I was able to emotionally go that much further for the cases because they had my back on these cases so to speak. They wanted to do anything it took to get the cases solved and I think that is admirable.

No they wouldn't give up the details that made me "infamous" within the departments like getting license plate digits, locations, street names and peoples names, etc., but they did acknowledge I worked with them, just didn't want to elaborate all of the "impossible" details the networks wanted them to so they could maybe do a show on me. Guess you can't change the status quo overnight, what can I say? But I haven't seen that measure of trust and backing before and it obviously made the difference. The chief wanted these cases solved. I was even given a VIP parking spot next to the detectives entry doorway. The detectives had to give me a jibe on that one and tell me they had to park in the public lot across the street! So as they accommodated me as a VIP enlisted to work side by side. I was given articles of clothing, and objects to do psychometry, which is reading energy impressions from an object. They had a professional yet honestly friendly and casual attitude with me, and that went a long way to allow no emotional jabbing going on, so that I didn't have to process anything else, and could "feel" and think about nothing else but the case. They were very impressed with my professional attitude while we were working and an ability to give slow, detailed responses that were all able to be well written down by detectives as I spoke, both in the department and on the scene as well on location where the homicide took place. You can't change human nature, and it was apparent immediately on location after I began to give the details no one of course could know, even they didn't know until later. I had the curiosity of the individual detectives. They couldn't help but want to ask me their own personal questions, and it was in their heads just "shouting" at me while we stood there, one detective while we were on the scene was thinking so hard about his question to me that I looked at three of them standing in front of me and said, "I would like all of you to think about your personal questions to me later, I promise I will answer them, and detective," looking at the detective wanting to know, "I will talk to you about Helen (his wife) later." They were stunned. They looked at each other in shock and said "Oh my God," and of course, stopped thinking of what they wanted to ask so I could concentrate on the case.

Understand that much of this information I had already detailed by phone on the first interview, like the perpetrators name and the victims name, location of the homicide and where the victim was initially picked up by the killer. This is why the chief asked if I would be able to come to the department and to be on location. Before I said yes, I said "When we do go on location, we need to be out of there by 4 p.m. as a blizzard will start. And I may want a cappuccino as I will be cold." This was at least a month before we knew when he would ask me to come! We went on the scene and I got out of the car and they asked if I would follow them I said no need to, walked about two football fields to the hillside spot and laid down as thought I was the victim on the ground, and I told them "This is the position of the body, arms and legs right?"... they said "yes." They had their mouths open. I stood up and told them I could give them the plate number of the red car, and I could see the killer walking away as the victim was dying. I showed them where a book bag was, a leather jacket, etc., all in the places these items were found, a season ago. They wrote it all down and gave it to me later, and showed me weeks later the impounded red car and took me around the back to show me the plate number that they said should be "familiar" and opened the trunk to show me the books piled to the top I described in the back trunk.

Upon return to the department and the access to more victim apparel, I was able to designate the multiple states that this perpetrator had assaulted more victims, and that one in fact was left for dead and survived. I was also able to give future time information -- that one detective would go to Arkansas, cross the river over the long bridge and his blue car would malfunction -- I advised not to take the blue car. I gave a motel room number and the girlfriends name, and that she would tell them the hotel which was located on the route number I had given them, and the room number, as the hotel was in front of a horse stable. The detective, Dennis, later asked me did I hear him screaming when he got stuck as I said he would in the blue car on the bridge. He tried but there was no other car they could give him!

Marisa Anderson's three-part interview continues in next weeks post were we discuss The Catherine Woods Case, another case which is internationally notable involving Tyrone Powersgranddaughter, who was missing and thought to be a ransom abduction perhaps dead because of the time that elapsed plus more! To learn more about Marisa, please go to her website:

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