Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Custodial Worker Found Dead at Kennedy Space Center, Cause Unknown

A body was found in a storage facility at the Kennedy Space Center.

Officials said the body of a contracted custodial worker in his 50s was found near a liquid oxygen tank on Pad 39 by another employee.

The unidentified man worked for the Brevard Achievement Center, which hires people with disabilities, after vocational training.

Authorities said rescue crews were unable to revive the man.

NASA officials said the worker checked in at the pad perimeter fence on Tuesday morning, and at about 2:00 p.m. the pad leader found his body in a support building.

The building is a small one used for administrative work, engineering support and storage, while work is going on at the pad.  It would not be out of the ordinary for a custodian to clean it out, officials said.

NASA said there were no toxic operations going on at the time.

The sheriff's office and the medical examiner were called in to investigate, which is standard protocol for any death on space center property.

The man’s death is the second at the launch pad in the last two years.

Last March, a worker jumped from the pad to his death.

It is unknown what, if any, disability the worker had or if that played any part in his death.

NASA said authorities are trying to notify next of kin.

The cause of death is unknown.

His name was not released.


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