Sunday, April 22, 2012

Alien Abduction in 1988: The New World Order Aliens

How did a guy from Puerto Rico who claimed he was abducted by aliens know about a New World Order in 1988? An abduction tale that included a post-Apocalyptic Earth one world government run by aliens living on an artificial island in the middle of a dark, dirty black sea.

The video posted below is a 1991 interview with a man named Amaury Rivera Toro–we’ll call him ‘Rivera’–who claimed he was abducted by aliens in Puerto Rico on May 14, 1988. Rivera was interviewed in 1991 by Jim Cunningham at the First international UFO Conference at the Riveria Hotel in Las Vegas. Along with his fantastical tale of an alien abduction including half-human demon-like beings, an ‘extraterrestrial human’ and holographic projections Rivera produced photos of a UFO and a fighter jet Rivera claimed he took immediately after his Close Encounter of the Third Kind. Along with the video we found a written account from Rivera that revealed more details.

Is Rivera’s alien abduction tale false and the photos a hoax?

In the video a UFO investigator claimed he spoke with other Puerto Ricans who claimed they came in contact with a ‘Man in Black’ similar to the one in Rivera’s close encounter.

If we were conspiracy theorists we’d wonder whether Rivera’s close encounter was with humans who planted, in 1988, the seeds of a False Flag alien invasion; evil humans bent on building a one world government, New World Order.

If we believed in Biblical prophecies we’d wonder if the ‘beings’ Rivera encountered were demons and fallen angels; one of the holographic ‘projections’ Rivera saw, a vision of a post-Apocalyptic future-a ‘New World Order’ run by the Antichrist from a island located in a Hades type sea.

Rivera, in the 1991 video interview:
“I encountered two small beings, two small strange men which I didn’t think were men from outerspace.

Rivera’s written account was posted at the Phantoms and Monsters website.

Rivera claimed he came across a thick blanket of fog while driving home at 4:30 am on a lonely stretch of a country backroad:
“Suddenly I heard what I initially thought were the sounds of hooves on the paved road. Calves? The sound was coming from the left side, the driver’s side, my side.

I turned my head towards where the sound was emanating from and to my great surprise what I saw in that moment changed my whole sense of reality. Jogging alongside my old car was a… midget? child? “What the ____ is it?”, I remember thinking to myself. My mind was going wild. I didn’t know what to think. Demons? “Oh, my God, it’s a demons,” I thought. I was scared beyond description.
Rivera claimed the ‘being’ wore a small, olive-green, one piece suit. A being 3-4 ft. tall with white skin, a huge head and black bulging eyes. Rivera claimed a second identical being approached the passenger side of his car. Rivera claimed he pissed in his pants then passed out.

Video interview:

“They took me somewhere where there were other people besides myself. The other human people like from Puerto Rico I guess.”

In Rivera’s written account Rivera claimed he and his car wound up in what he described as an underground parking lot:
“When I woke up I had no idea of my whereabouts. I was still seated in my car but I was no longer on the road. I found myself in a strange place where there were other cars. These other cars were empty. I distinctly remember looking around for a sign that would read “Exit.” There were none in this place that looked like an underground parking lot. There were no doors that I could see; no windows either. The colors of the walls were a non metallic light gray.”
Rivera claimed he saw one of the beings who reached out and touched Rivera’s forehead with it’s ‘tiny hand’ rendering Rivera unconscious. Rivera awoke in a room with 14 other terrified people; a light grey illuminated room. Out of nowhere the ‘man in black’ and two beings appeared.

Video interview:
“From here another human being showed up, he claimed to be from a distant planet. He was dressed in black, had dark skin but he was not a Negro. He had a long black hair to the shoulders and he spoke to us with the mouth, verbally. And no telepathic speaking. ”

Written account:
“This man was dressed in a black shirt and black pants. His shoes were of the same color. His skin was a dark tan complexion. Like the skin color of an Arab or a Hindu. He did not appear to be tall; maybe 5 feet 7 inches or so. He stood before us and the two small beings situated themselves — one to his right, the other to his left. This man with long black shoulder length hair spoke to us in perfect Spanish. He claimed to be as human as we are but from a different planet, another world which rotates around an alien star (sun).”
Rivera claimed the “extraterrestrial human”, the man in black, showed the terrified humans ‘projections’:
“In this room the extraterrestrial human displayed to us all various projections which seemed to be totally real in appearance. At the end of these events, the small beings (the ones that the ET human had informed us were in fact made by his people) touched every one of us on the forehead. Everything went away and I awoke seated in my car.”
Were the ‘projections’, holograms?

In Rivera’s written account Rivera never mentioned holograms. The first person to add holograms to the mix, Jim Cunningham during the 1991 interview.

Rivera: “They looked very real, the projections, and he informed us about a whole bunch of things that are even still incredible to me.”

Cunningham: “What did this holographic projection show?”

Rivera: “The holographs were mainly… the first one that I can remember was like a short trip through space. We saw where he came from, we saw his people, we saw the houses that they used and the second one was about a meteor or rock falling to earth in the near future which is going to cause a lot of havoc in the world. This would fall and it’s going to fall very near the Caribbean, Puetro Rico, and those other small islands but it’s going to affect the whole world not just Puerto Rico. The last one that they projected it was showing us how there was going to be one government on the planet Earth. They will be living on some sort of artificial island that is going to floating on the middle of a dark, black, dirty sea.”

Rivera claimed he was rendered unconscious then awoke in his car where he saw the UFO and military jets. Rivera claimed he was able to snap a few photos.

[Death By Papercuts]

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