Paranormal Searchers

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Obamaville: Rick Santorum’s, (member of Opus Dei) insane dystopian vision of the year 2014

Apparently taking a page from the dystopian fiction craze, Rick Santorum's latest campaign ad transports us to the year 2014, where the world looks less like present-day America and more like a hallucinatory version of The Hunger Games. It's also just plain crazy pants.

This video was uploaded yesterday by the Santorum team, and is obviously designed to look like a horror movie trailer (or perhaps a fever dream) rather than your typical campaign ad. There's just so much to pick out here: the way the buildings have all begun to crumble in just two years, the little girl pulled from the Great Depression (Maybe she's supposed to be a ghost?), the not-so-subtle cuts between Obama and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. But what's up with the baby in the crib and the clone army of black suits? I think we need a screencap recap of this puppy.

But really, Mr. Santorum, what do you think the trailer for Santorum Nation would look like? Because I was thinking something along the lines of Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale.

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