Paranormal Searchers

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Michigan State University to offer ‘Zombie Survival’ class

Michigan State University has an interesting course on tap for the upcoming session: zombies, and lots of ‘em.

Well, that’s not exactly correct. The zombie motif is just a hook. The class is actually about studying mass catastrophes and human behavior in life or death situations.

But a video produced as a course preview totally goes for the brain eating undead.

“The question at the center of this course is, ‘How do humans behave in catastrophic times?’” the course description (PDF) explains. “Does their behavior change int he midst of trying to survive and the decisions they face? We will examine major catastrophic events from the past, look to potential future events, and consider a concept for increasing our chances of survival.”

“In times of catastrophe some people find their humanity, others lose theirs,” professor Glenn Stutzky explained.

It will culminate with the class being divided up into groups in a “catastrophic event simulation,” where students are forced to “face the challenges of living and surviving together” during the zombie apocalypse.

The class, called “Surviving the Coming Zombie Apocalypse: The Coronal Mass Ejection Incident,” begins May 14 and is open to students and non-students alike.

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