Paranormal Searchers

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Nicolas Cage: I'm not a vampire

By Ree Hines

A Civil War-era photograph featuring a man with more than a passing resemblance to Nicolas Cage had the Internet buzzing last year when it appeared on eBay. On Thursday night's "Late Show With David Letterman," the actor chimed in on the image and addressed the ridiculous rumor that the man in the photo might actually be him.

"Well, let me say that there is a resemblance," he said when the host showed him the vintage photo. "But how can I be polite about this? It's a somewhat slowed down version of me."

The original theory put forth by Jack Mord, the individual who listed the 140-year-old shot on the online auction site, was that the only thing slowed down about it was the aging process of the actor.

The original theory put forth by Jack Mord, the individual who listed the 140-year-old shot on the online auction site, was that the only thing slowed down about it was the aging process of the actor.

"My theory is that he allows himself to age to a certain point, maybe 70, 80 or so, then the actor 'Nicolas Cage' will 'die,'" he wrote in the comments section of his listing. "But in reality, the undead vampire 'Nicolas Cage' will have rejuvenated.

When Letterman brought that up, Cage, who knows a thing or two about vamps after not quite starring as one in 1988's "Vampire's Kiss," was quick to shoot it down.

"I don't drink blood, and the last time I looked in the mirror, I had a reflection," Cage insisted. "So I'm not going with the vampire theory. I'm not going to do it."

It's hard to argue with that, unless, of course, he's still around in another 140 years.

We here at Paranormal Searchers have notified several vampire hunting groups to allow them to make their own judgement call concerning Mr. Cage.

As we (Paranormal Searchers) are based in the French Quarter, New Orleans. It is well known that Mr. Cage had owned for a period of time the infamous home, once owned by New Orleans' Queen of Voodoo Marie Laveau. Mr Cages occult research are also of common knowledge.

Catch more from Letterman's interview with the actor in the clip below:

Nicolas Cage 'vampire' photo vanishes from eBay:

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