Paranormal Searchers

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ghosts and the Paranormal in Beaumont This Weekend

​If you ever wanted to hear from the country's top paranormal investigators, get your Bigfoot on with expert cryptozoologists, or talk to other people who regularly see saucer-shaped aircraft whizzing through the night sky, then you need to get thee to the Texas Ghost Show in Beaumont March 18-19.

Presented by the Texas Society of Paranormal Investigators, the event will feature some of the biggest names in the study of Things That Go Bump in the Night, like Brad and Barry Kling from Ghost Lab and producer-director Christopher St. Booth, of SyFy and Spooked TV fame.

Don Dennis, founder of the Texas Society of Paranormal Investigators, is positively psyched [HEY-OH!] about this second event, which will feature an even wider cross-section of the far-out: "We've got vendors from all over the United States, we've got equipment companies, we've got other paranormal groups, we've got people selling everything from organic coffee to Scentsy candles, to people doing [psychic] readings, people signing autographs...."

Dennis is also excited about the after-party at the MCM Elegante Hotel. (We're not sure if any ghosts will be attending, but it should still kick ass.)

You don't have to be a die-hard believer or a certified nut to fit in, either. Dennis isn't some bug-eyed fanatic who sees ghosts everywhere. For a dude who has hung out in graveyards, measuring ghost activity on an electromagnetic field meter, Dennis is pretty down to earth. Contrary to stereotype, he doesn't see spirits everywhere, and for the majority of the haunting calls he investigates, there's an earthly explanation.

"We look for every possible explanation for what is happening in these people's houses before we jump to the conclusion [that there's a haunting]," Dennis says.

General admission tickets are $20, and after-party tickets are $10 in advance, $20 at the door. But Hair Balls is going to throw on a white sheet with two eyeholes and see if we can get in for half price.


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