Paranormal Searchers

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pro-life 'rock star' priest admits to sexual indiscretion during exorcism

By PZ Meyers
A priest has admitted to a sexual indiscretion with a woman under his spiritual care during an exorcism.
Father Thomas Euteneuer made the confession after a wave of online debate about his sudden departure from his post of president of an anti-abortion group.
He abruptly departed the Human Life International in August of last year, and had maintained a silence over his reasons for stepping down ever since.
The mystery provoked a wave of speculation on the internet about why the priest, described by some as a 'rock star' of the pro-life movement, might have stepped down.
The internet storm peaked after a January 27 medical emergency involving a woman at Human Life International's Virginia headquarters, according to an article posted on the Huffington Post.
Paramedics described the woman, who had previously been associated with Father Euteneuer, as undergoing a 'medical seizure'.
Witnesses claimed she was suffering from 'demonic possession'.
The Catholic blogosphere went into overdrive over the incident, culminating five days later in a flurry of allegations against Father Euteneuer.

The speculation finally forced the priest to break his five months of silence over his resignation from HLI.
He admitted to a sexual indiscretion while performing an exorcism.
'The circumstances that led to my departure from HLI were related exclusively to my own decisions and conduct within the ministry of exorcism that I carried out independently from my responsibilities at HLI,' he stated in a blog post on the website LifeSiteNews on February 1.
He then admitted that 'one particularly complex situation clouded my judgment and led me to imprudent decisions with harmful consequences, the worst of which was violating the boundaries of chastity with an adult female who was under my spiritual care.'
He said he took 'full responsibility' for his 'weakness and sinful conduct'.
The admission only fanned the flames of the online debate.
HLI defended its silence over the scandal by quoting catechism 2489: 'No one is bound to reveal the truth to someone who does not have the right to know it'.
But Catholic blogger Tom O'Toole attacked the priest for not taking the incident seriously.
'The fact that Father apparently is not in a 24/7 care centre is troubling because it means women are still vulnerable to his advances,' he wrote.
Father Euteneuer gained national notoriety in 2007 after he attacked Fox News commentator Sean Hannity as a 'failed Catholic' in an infamous televised encounter.

The circumstances that led to my departure from HLI were related exclusively to my own decisions and conduct within the ministry of exorcism that I carried out independently from my responsibilities at HLI.
Hmmm. Curious. Even curiouser, his crime was sexual.
My violations of chastity were limited to one person only, an adult woman;
The violations of chastity happened due to human weakness but did not involve the sexual act;
We also have some other accounts that suggest these events occurred multiple times.
Father [reportedly] admitted to having 'an inappropriate relationship' with an employee in his letter of resignation [and] a second woman [apparently] came forward to say that Father had engaged in sexual activity with her — not intercourse, but close to it — while he was performing some type of exorcism prayer(s).
Catholic prayers must be kinkier than I ever imagined. I admit it, I do have a somewhat dirty mind, but looking at that list of admissions, I am totally stumped about what Euteneuer actually did … which is actually amplifying my imagined creepiness of whatever it was. I'd speculate further except that there is a victim involved: as much as Euteneuer may deserve some contempt, the victim deserves some respect.
Which brings me to the really weird part. Everything I'm reading about this situation contains these insistent declarations that the act involved an ADULT! WOMAN! Even the Catholic bishop's statement about the case emphasizes this.
Euteneuer has been undergoing intensive evaluation and counseling to address admitted inappropriate crossing of adult heterosexual boundaries on the occasion of carrying out his priestly ministry.
This bugs me. It's like they're saying, "At least it wasn't gay sex, and it didn't involve a child." They're trying to reduce the magnitude of whatever perversity was committed. And it's as if they're reassuring everyone that it wasn't that awful homosexuality was committed.
And weirdest of all, it's as if they're saying that because a woman was the victim, it wasn't so bad. Women are the designated victims; oh, sure, it's not good that he was abusing a woman, but it would have been even worse if a man was hurt.
And then there are the people rushing to defend this priest…by attacking the victims.
I think these women are shameful. Their attack will probably backfire on them. They are possessed with evil and it seems that they are getting worse whenever someone disagrees with them. They seem very vindictive in character and self righteous. They don't seem credible to me.
I have known Fr. Tom personally for more than 13 years and I can assure you of Father's devotion to the unborn. I have never seen him falter in his ministry as a priest. Being exposed to demons is not an easy thing. Sometimes the demons will purposely twist the bodies of their victims that will have their sexual parts touch the one who is trying to remove the demons. This, I am sure must have happened several times to Father Tom. Many of the women who are possessed also have other mental problems like ADHD and Bi-polar and these people lie very often just to get attention.
Even when the church acts quickly to stop a predatory priest, they just can't do it right. It's all those demon women and their wicked ways.

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