Thursday, December 9, 2010

CYBERWAR UPDATE: Anonymous And 4Chan Who are they?

/b/ is shorthand for 4chan's "Random" board, which is "by far its most popular and notorious feature. Known as "/b/", there are very minimal rules on posted content..."

May I suggest reading:

Unbeknownst to most, 4chan generates 4% of total web-traffic around the globe. Un.f'n.believable, uh?
As a group, they are to be reckoned with, IF they can organize for any length of time. What they dearly oppose, above all, is censorship! Most any kind of censorship. This is why they feel a 'kinship' w/Assange and wikileaks.

I do not read 4chan (my son told me I would find too much of it offensive but he knows I'm not easily offended). They've done a few good things, some bad, but mostly just benign crap.

What folks are underestimating their 4chan's power when they're motivated.

Also see:

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