Paranormal Searchers

Friday, February 5, 2010

Lights Witnessed, Persons Affected

MUFON Case # 21705
Event Date/Time: 01/28/2010 23:00
Location: Savannah, Georgia
Longitude: -81.1121
Latitude: 32.0616
Shape: Star-like
Distance: One mile or less
Summary: Star-looking with red and blue lights, moving irratically

My friend was leaving my house around 11:30pm on 1/28/10. A few minutes after he walked outside, he called me and told me that there was something like a UFO in the sky moving around and that I needed to come outside to see.

I put on my bathrobe and walked outside to my friend. I had a baby monitor receiver in my robe pocket at that time, and when I walked out into the yard, the signal received some interference and I had to turn it down so that the noise from the interference would stop, which is rather unusual.

It was a really clear night, and the stars were very bright. My friend pointed up to one star and told me to watch. I asked what I would see and he said that it had been moving around the sky erratically and that it had blue and red lights moving around it from time to time.

My roommate also came outside to watch for a minute. At first the object did nothing. My roommate then went back inside stating that he thought it was an illusion from looking at something for too long. At first I thought the same thing but I had a feeling in my gut that it was more than just an illusion.

I kept watching this "star" and soon it appeared to be moving erratically, but in a small area. It seemed to move to the side and down, then up again; rather slowly. Then I witnessed what appeared to be small/thin rays of red and blue lights radiating from the object in a circular motion (as if it was shining blue and red flashlights while moving in circles). The lights only lasted a few seconds at a time and then would stop.

After a few more minutes of this, I got very nervous and decided to go back inside. My friend stayed in my yard for about another 2 hours watching this object. At some point, he states that up to 5 more of these objects started moving in the sky. He said that they would move towards and away from each other, as if they were dancing. All appeared to have the same red and blue light beams every few minutes.

At one point, my friend said that he got chills and goose-bumps and felt as if something were about to get him, so he got into his vehicle and drove to his house across town. He has since stated that he felt as though "they" knew he was watching and took notice of him. Once at his house, he could not see the object(s) anymore. After he was inside, he says that he got a feeling as though something was right outside of his house waiting for him.

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