Paranormal Searchers

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ghostbuster Busted for Alleged Theft

Who ya gonna call? Well -- maybe not the ghostbuster who allegedly got busted!

NBC Connecticut-- Matthew Kondracki, 27, of Highland Park, is facing third-degree larceny charges after police claim he stole a $2,200 thermal imaging camera used to track paranormal activity, according to the Associated Press.

Kondracki was arrested after an unidentified woman claimed he stole the equipment, reports The Journal Inquirer.

Kondracki is part of a five-person team calling themselves the Enfield Paranormal Society. Two years ago, Kondracki declared the Cohasset Town Hall building haunted. He tells the paper he came to that conclusion using the photos he took with infrared cameras, digital recorders and EMF detectors.

And now the mystery deepens with a case of he said, she said. Kondracki claims the woman who reported him to police actually purchased the camera for the group and was the last person seen with the camera before it disappeared last November.

Kondracki is scheduled to appear in court on Tuesday.

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