Paranormal Searchers

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Ghost hunters spot spooks at pool

The Boston Standard-- GHOST hunters say they have found evidence of spooks at Boston's Swimming Pool.

Lincolnshire Paranormal Investigators spent a night at the Geoff Moulder Leisure Complex - and reckon they have discovered a monk-like male figure and a young girl haunting the halls.

The group – which included mediums and paranormal investigators - threw themselves in at the deep end, setting up cameras and sound equipment at the pool.

And they are so confident that what they found were ghosts that they are sending their evidence to TV programmes specialising in spectres.

"The mediums picked up a few spirits that are supposed to rest there," said investigator Dean Grant. "One photograph taken shows a monk, and you can see features like his eyes." A male ghost is also said to have rested his hand on one of the group's shoulder. "We also have footage of a female's voice clearly saying 'yes'," added Dean. "That was in response to a medium asking the question 'I think I'm picking up a little girl here'."

Evidence is currently being collated and will be sent to the Unexplained Channel, hopefully to be shown in a viewer showcase section.

The LPI were called in to visit the pool by manager Dave Horry.

Visitors to the site swear they have previously seen a male monk figure walk through walls and across the pool. "The changing rooms are very humid and can suddenly go icy cold, so cold you can see your own breath," explained Dean, who set up the paranormal group last year.
"There have also been reports of mugs in the admin office smashing themselves in the past."

Neither of the two mediums knew anything about the area other than the postcode they were heading to before the investigation, stopping them from gathering any background information.

The pool is built adjacent to the Boston Grammar School field, where archaeologists have previously found evidence of a former burial site, believed to be linked to the ancient friaries which used to stand in the town.

Legend states ghosts also haunt Blackfriars Theatre and Arts Centre, a former friary, and the Stump.

LPI will hold their next ghost hunt at the town's Guildhall later this year.

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