Friday, January 15, 2010

A Place To Play Ouija Board To Guarantee Demonic Possession There are no safe places to play the Ouija Board. However if you use the board in any of these places than you’re guaranteed to have a negative experience

1) Deserted Mental Hospital
Playing the Ouija Board in a deserted mental hospital is asking for trouble. You’ll be tapping into all sorts of negative energies from the past. You could contact the spirits of those who died insane or of those who killed themselves.

2) Cemeteries
How would you feel if someone was playing the Ouija board over your loved ones grave? Wouldn’t you feel a little bit indignant? I know I would.

If you play the Ouija in a cemetery, not only do you risk contacting all sorts of potentially evil spirits but you could be arrested for holding a seance in public.

3) In Your Bedroom
Would you actually want a demon in your bedroom? Would you want to wake up in the middle of the night with a ghost at the foot of your bed threatening to cut your throat if you don’t worship it as a God?

If you ever want to sleep again, it’s advised that you do not play the Ouija in your bedroom.

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