Paranormal Searchers

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Clifford Clift to lead Mutual UFO Network as International Director Colorado businessman Clifford Clift will lead the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) beginning March 1, as James Carrion steps down after serving three years as International Director.

MUFON released the following statement yesterday.

Fort Collins, CO - Jan. 14th, 2010

In 2006, Mr. James Carrion accepted the lead role as International Director of MUFON for a three year term. There is much that has been accomplished under Mr. Carrion's leadership including development and implementation of MUFON's computerized Case Management System and On-Line UFO Report Form, the STAR Team and SIP Project, informative Discovery Channel programs, the Pandora Project, and much more.

We can all thank James for his tireless efforts which have helped bring UFO investigations into this new millennium enhancing MUFON's mission of scientifically studying UFOs for the benefit of Humanity.

The end of 2009 also marked the completion of Mr. Carrion's three year term as MUFON's International Director and the Mutual UFO Network is proud to announce that the Board of Directors have unanimously agreed to appoint Mr. Clifford Clift as the new International Director.

Effective March 1st, 2010, the torch will be passed and Mr. Clifford Clift will take the helm as MUFON's fourth International Director following in the footsteps of Walt Andrus, John Schuessler and James Carrion, MUFON's previous three International Directors.

As Clifford Clift takes the helm as MUFON's newest Director James Carrion will continue his service at MUFON Headquarters as Business Manager. In a recent statement Mr. Carrion said, "I am proud to announce that the new MUFON International Director is my long term good friend and colleague, Clifford Clift. I am completely confident that Clifford is the best man for the job and I know that MUFON could not be in better hands."

Meet Clifford Clift

Clifford Clift has been a member of MUFON since 1995 and a member of MUFON International Board of Directors since 2000. Clifford is a MUFON Trained and Certified Field Investigator and has been involved with all aspects of Symposiums since 2004.

Mr. Clift lead a team in the creation of Symposium Guidelines for all states to use. Clifford also developed the "Life Time" membership program for MUFON and has assisted the MUFON Board in development of a strategic business plan.

Clifford is a trainer of Field Investigators in Northern Colorado, and he also started the Northern Colorado MUFON Chapter which currently hosts 25 members. Clifford is this year's 2010 MUFON Symposium Coordinator.

Clifford Clift is a respected businessman in Colorado as well as a devoted family man married to his wonderful wife Sally for 44 years. They have two sons, Norman and Paul, two daughters-in-law and three gorgeous granddaughters.

Under Mr. Clift's leadership MUFON will continue to be on the cutting edge of UFO investigation.

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