Paranormal Searchers

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Farmville Police bring in occult expert

By Rachel DePompa - bio | email
Posted by Terry Alexander - email
FARMVILLE, VA (WWBT) - The attorney for Farmville murder suspect Richard McCroskey met with prosecutors for the first time today. Cary Bowen says the meeting was cordial but he would not elaborate on what was discussed. NBC 12 has confirmed that Farmville police have called in an expert on the occult.
Don Rimer spent 33 years as a detective with the Virginia Beach police. He now spends his retirement teaching police departments around the country about occult crimes. He says he was called in because an expert on the symbols found in the music the teens listened to.
"My end goal is to educate parents. Law enforcement every discipline on the dangers of the occult," Rimer said.
He's known as an expert and he says he was called the night the bodies of Emma Niederbrock, her parents Debra Kelley and Mark Niederbrock and her friend Melanie Wells were discovered.
"What those investigators stepped into? A slaughter house, they stepped into a slaughter house on Friday night," said Rimer.
A week before the bodies were discovered, the four victims had gone to this music festival in Michigan. It's not clear if a girl on the left with the pink hair is Emma, but we know she was in the front row and her friends were the performers on stage. The music is called Horrorcore.
"About murder, about killing about all kinds of ritual abuse anyone could take a look at that and that's the world she was interested in," he said.
A world Rimer says teenagers, who are already curious and prone to depression, could fall too deep in.
"There are parents that believe it's just a fad, it's just the music. It's just a game. Just a movie, but I call it Russian roulette. We can't take that chance," Rimer said.
As of now, McCroskey is only accused in Mark Niederbrock's death but, more charges are expected, police are just waiting for forensic evidence.

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