Paranormal Searchers

Thursday, November 5, 2009

UFOs & Aliens: The Great Deception

The concept of an ANGEL comes from the Greek "aggelos", from the Hebrew "ago", meaning "one going forth" or "one leading"; messenger.

Not all angels are "good". Not all angels continue to do God's will, although all angels were originally created by God to convey His message. Some angels rebelled against God's plan. Some angels go forth to give their own message; some angels go forth to lead mankind AWAY from the truth. But all angels are more intelligent and powerful beings than mere humans, it is easy to see how the rebellious angels could have been worshipped as gods, when they descended to the Earth before the Flood, and deceived humans (Genesis 6).

Among these myriads of angels are those who follow their own rebellious plan instead of God's. Those rebel angels - who appear in many guises, from ghosts to aliens to "Blessed Virgin Mary" or apparitions like Fatima - are the intelligent non-human beings behind UFOs and the paranormal. THEY have a plan, their message is a deceptive one.

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