Paranormal Searchers

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chupacabras in Arizona November 23 2008, 6:45 a.m. Navajo Reservation, NE Arizona. Chupacabras sighting.

Some recent online articles have included photos of dead animals which some believe to be the mythical chupacabras. Authorities of zoology are always quick to indicate their opinion that the animals seen in these stories are in reality coyotes or possibly dogs with mange. This past Sunday morning, I encountered a creature, in clear morning lighting, that resembles the online photos of the supposed chupacabras. And it was alive and well.

I'd estimate the weight at 35 to 40 pounds; coloration was a mottled gray. I don't know if I was seeing the actual skin color of the animal or if it was very short haired. It had a very pronounced spine and moved in a manner more like a rabbit or kangaroo, rather than a canine. My friends dogs, both of which are young and strong, didn't have a chance catching it. They took off in pursuit, but the strange animal's ability to cut corners on a dime and its sheer speed left the dogs far behind.

It had huge hind legs that it employed to accelerate and turn. This encounter allowed me the opportunity to view actual dogs and the unknown beast both in the process of running. There is no way, whatever that other animal may be, that its of a canine origin. It loped like a kangaroo, and moved with an entirely different posture and method than the dogs. To further refute the scientist's belief system of mangy canines, it's simply not possible for a sick animal to escape from two well-cared-for ranch dogs, whose soul purpose is to control predators. Maybe this is where the legend of chupacabras having wings originates... because that thing flew like the wind.

Possibly not as entertaining as blood sucking, spiny backed critters of legend, but whatever this animal was, it's not documented or commonly known.

1 comment:

  1. Wicked cool! I always wondered why we didn't have chuppie here in the desert since he seems to like Texas. Very good witness description. Probably the best one I've heard of how it moves.
