Friday, October 16, 2009

Why would aliens invade Earth? As far as we understand our planet we enjoy the benefits of habitable eco-systems, fresh water, and a means to produce foods. These things would be the most likely reason for an alien invasion. Assuming that we are not alone in this vast cosmos.

Taken to account that there are roughly 100 billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy, the probability of life on other planets is a likely one. Also the infinite number of parallel universes, there the possibility of life on other planets is expanded quite a bit. Extraterrestrials would have quite a bit of searching to do just to find our big blue ball in an infinite sea of possibilities, in this case.

The reasoning behind an invasion could stem from any number of things. Their own planet could be in the grip of over population, that they have depleted their own native resources and drained the planet. Over pollution is as well another possibility for their migrations. If there were resources native to only a few planets, Earth included this would be another cause for invasion.
The existence of life within our own Solar System

Scientists have puzzled over whether or not life other than ours is existent in this corner of the neighborhood. They look to other local planets and moons, such as Mars and the satellite of Jupiter, Europa.

Mars, with its signs of flowing water in its past is the target of current research. The two research vehicles, Opportunity and Spirit currently exploring Mars, have confirmed the presence of liquid water in the planets history. It is quite possible that it had harbored life at one time, and may currently have microscopic life today.

The moon Europa with its primordial oceans hidden beneath thick layers of ice could be the home to many water dwelling organisms. It is widely taught that water is where life begins and evolves from, why not under the icy face of Europa. With a surface that is estimated to be only 30 million years old, it is not likely that an E.T. invasion would begin here.
Intelligent Life

If in fact there is life on other planets, it does not necessarily mean that it has the mental facilities for higher motor and thought processes. It took mankind at least 1 million years to evolve into what we are today, and we have not begun to scratch the dust on the surface of scientific exploration. But who is to say that another form of life and civilization could not evolve into something far greater than we are now in less time.

Today's technology is still prone to quite a bit of mishaps as we are still in the baby steps of exploring just our own Solar System up close. Better propulsion systems and protective vehicles and suits will have to evolve in order to explore our closest neighbor besides our own Moon.
Galactic Transportation

Our universe is theorized to be one thousand trillion trillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) meters, should our planet be found in the vastness of possibilities, how would we be reached from the depths of space? Traveling at a year at the speed of light one would have gone ten trillion kilometers (10,000,000,000,000) one would have to possess superior technologies that could propel them at faster than light speeds, and/or through "wormholes". A theoretical distortion of space-time in a region of the universe that would link one location or time with another, through a path that is shorter in distance or duration than would otherwise be expected. If one were able to harness faster than light speeds, faster than 300,000 kilometers per second as well as travel through wormholes, then an invasion would be quite possible within a few years as opposed to a few million, billion, or trillion years. Physicists today are coming closer to the answer of this question although the technology is something out of our current reach.
Would we be able to protect ourselves?

Were astronomers able to see an incoming threat it would give us time to prepare, though at that point in time, we would not know if they were friendlies or hostiles. Considering that astronomers have a difficult enough time tracking near earth objects the likelihood of them spotting a fleet would be small in percentage.

Given the technologies that these beings could possibly possess, or other transport options that we couldn't fathom, it is quite likely that they would possesses weapons that would remove us completely without endangering their new possible home. In another case, they may even just kill off the excess and use the rest as slave labor. Such fantasies as seen in the science fiction books and movies where humans won the day through whatever means would be exactly that, fiction. An intelligent species would have taken the time to study this planets physiology and technology to learn what viruses and possible threats that were resident here and take precautions.

In the event of an unknown threat, we would have no hard information on how to defend ourselves against a threat such as this. Being an unknown enemy is the best tactic that an enemy has. We would either kill ourselves, and the planet with nuclear weapons in the remote chance that it would remove the threat, game over for everyone.

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