Paranormal Searchers

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Stop Alien Abductions: The Thought Screen Helmet


How The Thought Screen Helmet Works The thought screen helmet scrambles telepathic communication between aliens and humans. Aliens cannot immobilize people wearing thought screens nor can they control their minds or communicate with them using their telepathy. When aliens can't communicate or control humans, they do not take them.

A Record of Success
The thought screen helmet has effectively stopped several types of aliens from abducting or controlling humans. Only four failures have been reported since 1998.

Two of those failures were encounters with alien-human hybrids. In 2005, a cloth helmet with a smaller area of Velostat, which had a Velcro strap, was easily removed by an alien-human hybrid. Another failure occurred in 2007 when two alien-human hybrids snuck up behind a frail woman, tackled her, and forcedly removed her helmet. These alien-human hybrids are described in The Threat by David Jacobs and in Sight Unseen by Budd Hopkins.

The helmet still works for people being abducted by aliens, but not by their alien-human hybrids who are now integrating into our societies.

Worldwide Use
Adults and children all over America, all over Australia, in Canada, the United Kingdom, India, Austria, Italy, Portugal, and in the Republic of South Africa are wearing thought screen helmets to stop alien abductions. Many former abudctees have been wearing thought screen helmets successfully since 1999.

Successful Shielding Material
Other shielding material was tried in previous models with less success. Only thought screen helmets using Velostat are effective. Large leather aviator hats lined with Velostat with secure straps are recommended for making effective helmets but any hat that covers your whole head and has eight sheets of Velostat will work.
A similar material called LINQSTAT, which is made in Canada, may also be used.

Cost of Materials is $30

You can make a thought screen helmet for $30 if you purchase Velostat by the yard.

1 comment:

  1. Bogus. Use a steel cap instead.
