Paranormal Searchers

Thursday, October 8, 2009

If Only the Paranormal Could Remove that On Going Black Eye! A fellow paranormal investigator called me yesterday. We were talking about the sightings of UFO’s all over the world. We noted how the subject of ghosts and unknown strange events seem to always spike in occurrence during the month of October. We realize that this may be due in part to it being Halloween season. We also think there is a natural cycle that seems to bring about paranormal events during this time of year.

While talking with my paranormal pal she brought up her aggravation with the reaction so many have to unknown subjects. Like many who try to investigate or write about these things the difficulty of dealing with those we are trying to share information with can be very depressing.

Many who have tried to bring the truth of the paranormal to the public have simply walked away. Discussing this is when my pal blurted out:” If only we could stop the on going slap in the face that constantly gives the paranormal a on going Black Eye- we could maybe figure things out!”

Her statement is true as those who do try to spread the information on these subjects face constant hurdles and barriers by way of the frauds, skeptics, frightened and ignorant. The fact so many people place so much time and effort in clouding the arena with fake reports, false claims, faked photo’s and video’s keeps the subjects in the paranormal at a dead end.

Many people simply ridicule that which they do not want to understand. Others show apathy with little on no interest at all. The majority of society seems self-involved with daily life and do not care what is going on past their own nose. It is no deep mystery why disclosure has not and will not be necessary. Those who have real knowledge about these subjects are protected by way of our own hands. We willingly stay in the dark, which makes the need to disclose unnecessary. We keep ourselves locked in the dark by our own hands.

The hands that fake the video’s, the hands that Photoshop the photo’s, the hands that make up ridiculous scenario’s of false abductions or sightings, the hands that fake ghost voices or claim light actions of cheap cameras are spiritual orbs- all those hands keep us dumb and living in the dark of what will remain the unknown.

Of course the Internet has increased this mess to the point where an alien race could land on the Brooklyn Bridge and the public would tease, laugh and ridicule whoever witnessed the event. We have been trained by all the dirty hands polluting these subjects to simply mix all the nonsense with the real events leaving it all a pile of tangled confusion.

I have spoken to credible honest good people who will not talk openly about the encounters they have lived through. They fear the reaction of those they live and work with. That fear of rejection is far worse then the actual event they endured. How sad is it that we have been trained to reject the very things we need to be exploring? It leaves us with a constant black eye on the world of the paranormal. So many dirty hands do produce one heck of a shiner!

I watch as the need to be seen, heard or paid attention to have people rushing to report a sighting they did not have or abduction that never took place. In time you can spot the frauds by a mile, as they tend to over do the report. They also use ridiculous similarities that thread the fakes from the true experiences. Those who have had real encounters are often similar in the way they report events. It does not take long to separate those who are truthful to those who are not.

It is sad so many people spend hours carrying out these fraudulent claims. I am sure they are looking for fame, glory or money. Those who work in this subject matter will gladly tell you there is little fame or glory in this work and money is long and hard to come by. If those are you motives you are in the wrong area for sure.

The people who are in need of attention or extremely lonely who use the paranormal are more difficult to contend with. I think many may need help from trained professionals and should not be lost in an area that could increase their anxiety. Finding lost souls in a world that can be slick and harsh is always sad. However those who make fake video’s or photo shop a fake sighting to show off their skills are truly the ones delivering the worst black eyes to those trying to swim against the odds to the truth of paranormal events.

It would be wonderful if those lost in fantasy would stick to science fiction. It would be great for them to keep that sensation of silly stories that fill them with movie house giggles and screams in their movie theaters. It would be wonderful if we could split the turf leaving the attention thrill seekers to their games and those who are living the real deal free to speak out without fear of being abused when they speak out about extraordinary events they have encountered.

I have been walking these confusing roads for most of my lifetime. I try to sort out the truthful from the frauds. It is difficult at times for even the most hardened interviewer to be sure about those we talk to and write about. We try to use our backgrounds, experience, and gut feelings to the best of our ability. Unfortunately we make mistakes and believe those who have private agenda’s. The Paranormal is used and abused by so many that the truth often gets lost in the confusion.

I do know as it stands real honest sightings and encounters with the unknown are washed down in importance by the dirty hands inflicting the black eyes of false statements and photo’s.

Next time you become angry at the way we are all kept in the dark about so many things paranormal understand a great deal of it is of our own doing.

As it stands the subjects of the paranormal are the best laugh around. As it now exists we spend hours faking reports and video’s. We keep things unknown a huge joke. As long as this remains the norm the subjects of the unknown will never become known and the truth will remain lost to our own ignorance. I am afraid the paranormal will remain this way until we grow up and become adult enough to deal with them.

Look at how we allow the very people who should be protecting us the freedom to call every recent sighting Chinese lanterns or reflective lights from other sources. We are the ones who willingly and quickly laugh at those who see things they do not understand and willingly accept all ridiculous explanations without question.

Until we stop all these actions towards these subjects we will forever remain locked in the Dark Ages of the Unknown.

A short time ago along a friend and I witnessed a strange bright orb type craft hovering over the Long Island Sound. The Sound is a large body of water between Long Island New York and Connecticut. This week I read many people in Connecticut also witnessed strange crafts flying over their state. I knew at once that what I had seen and what they were seeing had to be connected. I also knew it would be fruitless to try to connect the two as the police in Connecticut where already on the ridicule train tagging the sightings Chinese Lanterns. I am wondering who owns this large gaggle of Chinese lanterns as they seem to be simply being let loose all over the world lately? I think they are playing out the lantern excuse for all it is worth. I also know what I saw that night and it was NOT a Chinese lantern!

I hope some of you give thought to what we have done to our own road towards knowledge concerning the world of the unknown.

I know until we can deal with our own fears concerning these things we will remain in the dark. Until we have had enough of those who keep us fools and fooled we will remain as we are- standing in the dark with a big black eye!

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