Paranormal Searchers

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Craigslist: Astronaut Needed (Northern Alberta)

Could this experimental spacecraft from a Craigslist post use the Biefeld-Brown Effect, or something else? Or maybe just a hoax?
Astronaut needed for experimental flight to Titan. I have been working on this project now for near 40 years and am afraid I'm no longer fit enough to go.
My secret space craft is the result of my professional experience and imagination while serving the U.S. military in advanced aeronautics as a scientist.
The craft harnesses a revolutionary propulsion system and its fuselage is fabricated with the most advanced material. While considerably safe,I am certain you will make it safely to Titan but there will not be enough fuel to get home. This is for someone unique that has always wanted to see the universefirst-hand and has perhaps a terminal view on life here at home. Here's your shot at romantic history.
Must be:
-physically fit.
-mentally sound.
-over the age of 18.
-a dreamer.
-a believer.
-not afraid of heights.
-not afraid of extreme conditions such as speed, pressure, heat, etc.
-no taller than 5'10 and relatively slim.
-good eye-sight & hearing.
-manual dexterity (although the craft is largely cpu controlled).
-OK in cramped conditions for long periods of time.

* Location: Northern Alberta
* Compensation: $25,000 CASH.

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