Paranormal Searchers

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Washington family witnesses multiple UFOs; then spots a 'grey' in backyard

An eastern Washington family claims they have been seeing UFOs in the skies over their town, with unusual helicopter traffic, then a "grey shape" running through their backyard, according to witness testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.

The reporting witness first describes unusual air traffic in a town where they "never have flight traffic." The helicopters seem like they are searching for something.

During the time the helicopters are in the air, the witness claims hearing an odd sound - described as a "very low decible hum, which made a kind of whum, whum, sound (higher to lower range and back again)."

The family witnessed pulsing lights in the sky, a stench in the air, and a bright object in the sky that moved 25 miles toward them in seconds, stopping just three blocks from their location and hovering just 200 feet off of the ground.

The object was "shaped like an orb with spikes coming out and seemed to have a compainion light under it to one side." The family watched the light for about two hours from inside their home. Then at 3 a.m., their daughter looked out a kitchen window and some a grey shape, "about 4ft tall, grey colored from top to bottom, in an approximate human form moving rapidly across the yard from south to north."

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