Paranormal Searchers

Monday, September 28, 2009

UFO, An Educated Inquiry I think it is safe to say that all of us have at least heard or seen things at times in our lives that defy common logic, as we know it. Things that are not commonplace in the world in which we live that leave us in a state of denial and disbelief. This was also a common factor upon early man and civilizations as well. This does not however place these incidents in the world of make-believe and it leaves us to consider the true origins of such events. In most all of my work I lean heavily upon the topic of UFO's and possible alien contact between humans, and for the record this writing will be no different, but I would like to consider another form of phenomenon that to me seems to be intertwined many times with the ongoing UFO enigma. I feel this writing is warranted simply because it is a very real possibility and an ongoing situation that many truly fail to see or acknowledge.

UFO's and possible alien visitations have been at the forefront of past and modern day phenomenon reports for centuries. Modern man has failed to disprove or rightly prove the existence of such matters to this day. I for one have researched and indulged myself along with others to come to some sort of understanding and common ground regarding these issues and I will continue to do so until either I draw my last breath or all mankind knows the truth. The situation we face regarding UFO's has seemed to always be a tough up-hill climb riddled with tons of misinformation and down right lies, thus making every inch of research highly painstaking to an individual that is inquiring. UFO's and aliens have been the frontrunner in modern day (since 1947) paranormal phenomenon and an increasing number of personalities are joining the ranks of UFO enthusiast as we speak, many of whom once scoffed the idea aliens from another world or realm was just utter bilge!

Through time there has been other phenomenon being reported all over the world as well, a phenomenon of a different sort of note… or is it? It is funny really how one group of people can denounce the existence of one thing yet they are 'all in' regarding other forms of rare phenomenon. I think we all would agree the sightings and reports from all over the planet regarding 'spirits' or 'ghosts' has been and still is a hot topic with many paranormal investigators today. There are today television shows dedicated to such investigations such as "Ghost Hunters" and others as well. There are many people or groups though whom I have mentioned above that seems to favor strongly certain areas of the paranormal and totally disregarding others that seem no more far-fetched to the layman than the one they support at all costs. During my time within the UFO phenomenon research genre I have noticed a similar or common bond if you will, with reported UFO's and ghost sightings. I know that many who has studied the UFO phenomenon at any length has had to notice the similarities at one time or another. This is because it is a fact and it happens regularly.

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1 comment:

  1. I love this post. I could talk about this forever. As a "ghost hunter," I admit that I've always had an open mind about UFO Hunters, even though I don't believe in alien visitations. I understand that my desire to answer ghostly phenomenon is from my own experiences that led me to want an answer. I have seen several UFOs in my lifetime and cannot explain them, but that doesn't mean they don't have an explanation. I can't explain to you how gravity works, but I know it's there. I don't jump to the ghost equals departed person's soul conclusion as a hunter and I don't jump to the strange thing in the sky equals alien civilization visiting conclusion either. I think we can understand where each other is coming from, we both want answers. I'm just not willing to take what people tell me, i.e. strange phenomenon is tied to the souls of the departed and flying objects that aren't planes are otherworldly. Both fields have a tendency to continue to tow the same lines about what phenomenon is instead of opening their minds and experimenting and tossing out lots of options and pursuing it open-mindedly. Unfortunately, the field of paranormal research involves a kind of pseudo-religious experience in which the participants continue to rattle off the "forefather's" views on things. For example. "Ghosts are the souls of the departed who don't know they're dead," "UFOs are visits from other civilizations observing our bomb-making technology and worrying about our progress." They're just passing on someone else's assumptions and explanations without question. That scares me. It's sort of like religious zealots. Both kinds of research are necessary, but we all need to step away from what our grandfather's told us and move on with more appropriate explanations than ones made when science was still in its infancy.
