Paranormal Searchers

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Teens Eaten By Satanists

The Sun-- A gang of devil worshippers has killed and eaten four Russian teenagers in a sickening ritual

The Satanists stabbed each of their victims a terrifying 666 times before dismembering their bodies and cooking them on a bonfire.

Russian cops discovered the teenager's limbs, hearts and scalps in a pit in the Yaroslavl region around 300 miles from Moscow, along with the dead body of a small rodent crucified on an upside-down cross.

The victims, three girls and one boy, all aged 16 and 17, disappeared from their homes in June.

But police only discovered the remains of Anya Gorokhova, Olga Pukhova, Varya Kuzmina and Andrei Sorokin last month.

The four pals – described as "Goths" – were lured one by one to a country cottage and were allegedly forced to get drunk before the revolting ritual began.

Hair from the victims was apparently found in the embers of the bonfire.

Cops arrested eight Satan worshippers in connection with the killings after finding out that all four victims had telephoned Nikolai Ogolobyak, the alleged leader of the Satan gang. His apartment lies just 250 metres from where their remains were discovered.

One of the arrested Satanists said: "Satan will help me to avoid responsibility, I made lots of sacrifices to him."

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