Goverment plated vechicles seen leaving Skinwalker Ranch today[Link To Source: ATS]
Kelleher told of one event that took place in August of 1997, in which two workers from NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science) witnessed a dull yellow light on the ranch that was close to the ground and growing bigger and bigger. One of the workers viewed the light through night vision/infrared equipment and saw what could not be seen with the naked eye. A tunnel of light was opening up, and a large muscular humanoid entity with no facial features crawled out of it, and then vanished
-Contact informed me that several blacked out tahoes with goverment plates were again witnessed leaving skinwalker ranch today. If this is just a ranch run by a wealthy civilian and part time crack scientific team then why is the goverment constantly closing down the road leading to the ranch with police and why are offical looking suv's seen leaving the facility (on a odd note they are typically never seen entering...)
Follow the link below to observe a satellite image of the ranch:
[Link ]
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