Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Pennsylvania UFO witnesses learns 'no camera' lesson twice

Examiner.com-- Two Pennsylvania witnesses watched a "circular red light" hovering just above the treeline about one-quarter mile away, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) database.

Unable to photograph the object, the witnesses decided to watch a movie. But when they looked at the object an hour later, they noticed the trees near the object lit up the color red.
The situation scared the witnesses and they went back inside. This was their second sighting.
The following is the unedited witness statement from MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or manmade.

PA, September 21, 2009 - Night time abnormal space craft behind girlfriends back yard. MUFON Case # 19533.
I received a text from my on and off again girlfriend. It must of been about 7 or 8p.m. when she texted me. She sent me a few texts that I didn't respond too, but the last one was far too enticing not to respond too.

She wrote "There's a space ship near my back yard."

I thought this was a joke to get me to come over to see her but we did encounter a U.F.O. maybe 5 months before hand that was like a jet but it was vibrant yellow, moved so slow, and made no sound. That one looked identical to the old toy model of the Roswell U.FO. I decided I'd bring my laptop & webcam just in case.

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