Paranormal Searchers

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Occult Profiles: Nick Pope

Nick Pope is a 25 year serving former employee of the British Government's Ministry of Defence. He is most notable for having served as a regular term between 1991 and 1994 as that agency's official first point of contact and investigator of UFO reports and sightings, in the department then known as Sec(AS)2a (Secretariat of the Air Staff).

During his time at the MOD he held the pay-grade of Senior Executive Officer, a middle rank in the UK Civil Service.

He has also been involved in work on the crises in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He had many different postings and had undertaken a series of jobs within the Department, including work in the Joint Operations Centre during the Gulf War, where he was a briefer in the Air Force Operations Room.

Between 1991 and 1994, he was posted to a division called Secretariat (Air Staff) and was given the designated post of SecA2 the main duties of which were dealings with non-operational Royal Air Force overseas activities and red tape for diplomatic for overseas military flights.

In addition to his main duties he was given the more minor task of documenting the UFO phenomenon, mirroring the work done in the US by the now defunct Project Blue Book. Although most of the cases could be explained as misidentifications of known objects and phenomena, a hard core of sightings defied any conventional explanation.

He was the Ministry of Defence official responsible for researching and investigating UFOs, alien abductions, crop circles, cattle mutilation and other strange phenomena.[citation needed] His involvement in UFO phenomena within the MOD led to his self-description as the "British Fox Mulder" from the hit television series, The X Files.

[Nick Pope Interview]

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