David Myatt: Mage For Our Times?
David Myatt has many names – the majority attributed to him by others, and some which he himself uses, or has used. Perhaps the name most associated, by others, with him is that of Anton Long, GrandMaster of the sinister Occult group The Order of Nine Angles (See Footnote 1). Another name, conferred on him some decades ago by some of his closest friends, is The Mage, and this name has now passed into more general usage among the worldwide sinister-kindred of the ONA in the form of either The Mad Mage (Footnote 2) or its American variant of Mad Mu Mu, a variant conferred upon him by two young women of the ONA nexion
As often in such matters, the Order of Nine Angles has its own definition of the term Mage, stating that it is one of the seven stages of their Seven Fold Sinister Way, associated with the stage, or esoteric grade, of Grand Master/Grand Mistress. That is, it refers to an individual who, by virtue of their practical experience, and knowledge of, the sinister (the Dark Side; the Left Hand Path) has achieved a great understanding and knowledge of themselves, and of esoteric matters in general, and who has acquired, and practised, certain esoteric (Occult) skills. These skills, according to the ONA, include those relating to the use of Aeonic Magick.
What is especially interesting is that the ONA associates the Mage (and to a lesser extent, the Master/Mistress of The Dark Arts) with skill in shapeshifting; by which they mean not the mythological ability of a living human being to somehow transform themselves into animals or even into an entirely different human body, but rather the practical ability to successfully assume various rôles, identities, or personae: to live, to be, to act out the life, undetected, of someone else, and all for the purpose of attaining self-knowledge and self-understanding, and for the doing of deeds of sinister Aeonic Magick ( Footnote 3).
This proficiency in the dark and esoteric art of shapeshifting – one of the qualities of a genuine Mage (according to the ONA and other sinister groups) – most certainly applies to the life of David Myatt himself, whose rôles, identities, and personae, have included hermit, monk, drifter, neo-nazi street thug, convict, poet, mystic, radical Islamist preaching Jihad, lothario, theoretician of terror, and sorcerer.
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