Paranormal Searchers

Monday, September 14, 2009

“Obama will be a one-term President,” says Psychic and Astrologer Irene Hughes

Tomorrow's headlines from famous Chicago psychic and astrologer Irene Hughes - from her new book, "Memoirs of a Psychic and Astrologer":
  • The stock market will crash, along with a depression worse than 1929
  • Rebellions and violence will take to the streets
  • Terrorist attacks will hit the United States
  • A natural disaster will disrupt communications
  • Obama will be a one-term president
Hughes foresees these dramatic and catastrophic events that will shake the United States and other parts of the world. Eclipses on July 7 and July 21 2009 were in the zodiac sign of Cancer - the nation's birth sign. These eclipses, a solar eclipse on August 5, and a lunar eclipse on December 31 and Mercury retrogrades in September and December will usher in these earthshaking events during 2009 and beyond.

These predictions are in Hughes' book that is featured on her new website: The book was published in August at To purchase a book now for $12.95, call customer service at 1-866-308-6235, extension 6. The book will also be available on the and websites in mid-September.

The book takes readers to the past, starting with her first psychic experience as a child in rural Tennessee and continues through decades of amazingly accurate predictions about natural disasters, terrorism, economy and stock market, and death of political leaders. Hughes recounts the story behind her prediction of the Great Chicago Blizzard in 1967 that brought her world fame. And, she describes the tumultuous events that will affect the Presidency, terrorism, and the economy now... and into the future.

[Paranormal Daily News]

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