Paranormal Searchers

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lifeline from Beyond the Grave

by Lura Ketchledge

Is there a place between the living and the dead: a sort of vantage point where your loved ones watch over you after they have died? Before 1994 that kind of question never crossed my mind.

Back then I knew there was life after death. I knew ghosts were real and the physical world was a school with mandatory attendance. How I knew these truths is a long story, a story best told in another article.

I was sick really sick and tired of paying medical bills with money I didn't have. My sense of humor was just as shot as my nerves and part of me wished the process of kicking the bucket would hurry up.

Like a bad novel I was allergic to the only drug prescribed for the auto immune disease that had taken my youth. I quit my immune suppressing medication and opted out of chemo drugs all together. The details of my decline aren't important. I will tell you I did all the right things, went to the hospital when I should and kept my doctors up dated on the dreary, miserable symptoms of my illness. So far I was miserable but not dying.

When I didn't think it could get any worse it did. One day like a light switch being turned on my stomach was hot to the touch and all I wanted to do was lay on a cold floor on my stomach. After an expensive round of tests I was told I wasn't in any danger and other than an enlarged liver and a bad attitude. So medically speaking I was treading water just fine.

Like most consumers I believed my doctor. Why not he is making the big bucks for a reason isn't he? I went home and stayed in bed most of the time watching soap-operas and infomercials.

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